All Passes Tour

Charles Oertel's picture
The format of this ride is to do as many mountain passes as we can fit in over one weekend with each group doing there own route. Breakfast and lunch will be enjoyed on route. We all eat at the same restaurant in Oudtshoorn. Please note that there will be 2 groups and possibly even 3. The groups will be as follows : Group 1 led by Brian : The "sedate" group. Group 2 led by Geoff : The less sedate, slightly faster group. Possible group 3 depending on demand, led by Anne Connell (to be confirmed) : The beginners/novice riders with less passes to cover and the slowest group. Arrangements and [ discussion on the forum here].


Gavin Cooper's picture
Joined: 2007/06/25
Where is the o/night
Where is the o/night foreseen to be ?