Opstal - Rawsonville

Anna-Marie's picture

Breakfast Run :: Opstal Restaurant on Slanghoek Pass

Join Charles for a breakfast run to the Opstal Restaurant in Slanghoek on Sunday 30 Oct.

The breakfast menu will be:

Opstal - Rawsonville

Chris and Suzette van der Westhuizen has been a part of the BMW club for some time now. Chris owns a tractor dealership in Rawsonville, and regularly drives 160 km just to attend the Tuesday night meetings. Most often Chris leaves Rawsonville very early to be at Engen for the start of a breakfast run, sometimes they join us en-route. One of Chris’s friends and clients, Stanley, owns the Opstal. Stanley is also a GS owner. When Chris put Dave and Stanley in contact it was only a matter of time before we booked his venue for a breakfast run. How do you do a breakfast run to your own place. Easy, just leave an hour early and go to the starting point and ride with everyone.
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