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PeterO's picture
Joined: 2007/09/11

Two of the three SA GS Trophy team members are from Cape Town!

They are being sent overseas to compete next Thursday - let's go and show some support.

The team is departing for Thailand next week Thursday, to compete against 19 other countries in an event that has been dubbed the “Olympic Games of GS riding”. We’d like to give the two Cape Town boys, Byron Coetsee and Charl Moolman, a proper “Bon Voyage” on Thursday morning at the airport. To make this a bit more special we’ve thought of a group bike ride to accompany them to the airport as well. We will contact as many of our BMW friends as possible to see who will be able to join in the short ride and farewell at the airport.

The plan is to meet up at 09h00, on our bikes, just outside the River Club, on Liesbeeck Parkway on Thursday morning next week, the 25th February

They have to be at the airport at 10, where we’ll wave goodbye, maybe have a coffee together and then go back to the office, back home or wherever you normally spend a Thursday.

We really hope that a number of people can join and make this a special morning for Byron and Charl. They deserve our support!

(One big request: as we are trying to make this a surprise for Byron and Charl, we’d appreciate it if this will not leak out and ask that people don’t talk to the two guys about this arrangement. They are under the impression that they are simply being taken to the airport for their trip….!)

If you can dream it you can do it!

zebra's picture
Joined: 2008/03/28

great initiative - will see if I can attend. Cheers, Chris

Joined: 2008/01/28

I will be there

Jacques Botha R66's picture
Joined: 2012/10/02

Sorry but I will be out of town next week as from Monday to Friday.

Jacques BOTHA

Charles Oertel's picture
Joined: 2007/04/14

I'm in two minds:

  1. Our arranging of a surprise for them on the public internet on our website can only mean: they do not follow our website, or, it won't be a surprise.
  2. I refuse to support someone who won't support me... QED

(N.B. that doesn't mean I won't be going on a ride to the airport on Thursday, but I do have a week from hell on my calendar, combined with early departure for Baviaans on Friday morning.)


Committee: Webmaster / Ride Captain

PeterO's picture
Joined: 2007/09/11

For the information of those of you who might be wondering:

They are not club members and don't spend much time reading any forums.  They, like many other riders in South Africa are not members of any club or group, however they are South Africans and I for one, support our boys overseas.  I also support our riders who take part in the Dakar, despite the fact that they are not forum members.

I'm not promoting this ride in support of club members or the forum, but rather as an event that should interest riders and especially offroad riders - and these guys are good and I hope South Africa wins so I'd like to support them.

(I also have a personal interest as Byron gives me training and I'm a close friend of his father).

BTW I also support Laia Sanz in the Dakar even though she's not South African - she's just good, very good, and looks good on a bike!  (Happy to post pics of her on the forum for those that haven't heard of her because she's not a forum member laugh ).

If you can dream it you can do it!

Dudley's picture
Joined: 2013/07/04

Well said Peter, could not have done it better myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unfortunately, due to a youngster driving in front of me and thus my bike is in for repairs, I am not able to join you on this brilliant incentive to support our boys!!!!

Charles Oertel's picture
Joined: 2007/04/14

You guys took my comments way too seriously.  No worries, my memory is failing so fast that soon I will  be able to organize my own surprise party!

Committee: Webmaster / Ride Captain