YAP - Yet Another Pledge!

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Mwendo's picture
Joined: 2011/04/13

Don't blame me, blame it on my helmet!

There I was, engaged in idle chatter with my helmet on a nice, relaxed ride - you know the type - the chat I mean, not the ride, when the club's upcoming ride to Elim suddenly filled the helmet interior.

Now most everyone who's ever done the ride to Elim will agree that it's really cool - both Elim and the ride. The best part of the ride, however, is engaging with the inhabitants of the Elim Home and Mispah Schools and there, according to the helmet talk, lies the rub.

We tend to do this once-a-year thing of collecting and delivering goods and supplies to the two institutions then focussing on other things for the rest of the year. Good as that my be - and I sincerely believe it's good - I think we can do so much better, hence this YAP!

I pledge to donate, through the BMWMCCC, R10 per 100km (or part thereof, i.e. rounded up to the next 100) for each and every BMWMCCC-related ride I participate in, be it a tour, breakfast run, day ride, overnighter, member's choice or whatever else, starting with the ride to Elim itself!

Please feel free to join me, giving as much and/or as often as you please! This is not a challenge to match or do better than anyone else. It's just an invitation to give!

I will simply mark deposits to the club account with the reference YAP!

The only problem with hindsight, is you don't see it coming!