
2 replies [Last post]
Abel's picture
Joined: 2007/10/15

After having dug to a depth of 10 feet last year, British scientists
found traces of copper wire dating back 200 years and came to the
conclusion that their ancestors already had a telephone network more
than 150 years ago.

Not to be outdone by the British, in the weeks that followed, an American
archaeologist dug to a depth of 20 feet, and shortly after, a story
published in the New York Times: "American archaeologists, finding
traces of 250-year-old copper wire, have concluded that their ancestors
already had an advanced high-tech communications network 50 years
earlier than the British".

One week later, the Cape Times, in South Africa, reported the following:

"After digging as deep as 30 feet in his backyard in Thabazimbi, South
Africa, Lucky Simelane, a self-taught archaeologist, reported that he
found absolutely f--all. Lucky has therefore concluded that 250 years
ago, Africa had already gone wireless."

Just makes you bloody proud to be from Africa !

The ride is the destination.
Cloudgazer Steven's picture
Joined: 2007/10/03

I dug to 50 feet and found a bluetooth dinosaur fossil.

There are so many problems in this world. Luckily there's a wristband available for almost all of them.
Crazygoat's picture
Joined: 2010/09/06

A friend of mine Dough who bought a house from a know maffia kingpin dug a hole in his backyard and foung a hand cut off at the wrist.

Through carbon dating it was thought to be a pre hands free era set.