Wild at Heart trips into Africa ... Guest speaker Johan Olivier

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Joined: 2017/03/13


Hello Rouen,


Thank you very much for the opportunity to tell the club members more about Wild@Heart and what we are all about.

I attach the dates of all our tours this year.

I also include a link to a video of one of our Malawi tours which guys can watch to give them a good idea of what Malawi is like. I wanted to play it last night but the monitor did not want to read the file: https://youtu.be/nGrPSUDfbPQ

Here is a direct link to our website which explains in more details about our tours: http://www.wildatheartadventure.co.za/expeditions.html

It will be much appreciated if you could share it on your website, newsletter and Facebook page.

Hope you have a fantastic day.

Wild at Heart 2019 Expedition Dates.pdf92.41 KB

Committee: Secretary/ Ride Leader