Wild Coast 9-19th august.

2 replies [Last post]
I have just had a cancellation for this trip. is there anybody out there that may be interested in taking the last available space. Geoff 0828078130 or russell@aroma.co.za
Joined: 2007/04/17
For those who don't know, there is more detail about this trip on the events calendar at http://bmwmotorcycleclubcape.co.za/atlantic-motorrad-bmw-motor-cycle-clu... Geoff, you know I'd love to come - but various commitments have me tied down unfortunately. regards Charles
Geoff Russell (not verified)
Guys this could be a "gelukkie" for one of you. Kevin has paid for his wife who has now withdrawn. (R5000.00) If she is not replaced he looses R5k. If you can get time off (only 6 days) maybe you could make Kevin an offer?????? Rather loose a few Grand than R5k. layden@3i.co.za