TECH TORQUE What do you keep in your TWALCOM RALLY RAID box??

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Andyman's picture
Joined: 2007/06/22

TWALCOM contents laid out for inspectionTWALCOM contents laid out for inspection

Inside my TWALCOM RALLY RAID box I keep at all times:-

- A 1.5m by 1 m blue tarp to work on when in dusty conditions on the trail

- 3 recovery straps, with eyes sewn in- 1,5m long each

- a rag to wrap the tyre irons in so they do not rattle

- two of the short tyre irons

- a jammer-lap to wipe clean paws or parts

- two 1.5m cam-cleat tie down straps

-  the tool kit that used by under my seat

- 500ml bottle (square type is best space use) of spare 20w40 motor oil

- a pair of pigskin gloves to save either my hands or my biking gloves from dirt/damage when working on the bike.


All this has a sequence to pack in and it all fits in snugly.


Notice in the photo, the door with latch is hanging down on an OEM leash- you can get these from Chris at with fixing bolts.

In fact he can fit while-you-wait.  (excellent value for money)

For some stupid reason the manufacturers did not tether the door so several good folk have lost their doors on the trail.

When the suspension bottoms out, as in BOTTOMS out, the bleed nipple gland on the rear brake assy impacts the front left of the underside of the Twalcom Rally Raid box. To avoid trashing the box, one sets your suspension on the highest pre-load).

This causes momentary distortion (as well as a hole in the bottom) and the door tends to pop off then.

Take a few minutes to set the latch on the door so that as the door nests home, the fence on the lock is right up tight on the frame edge.

This setting will prevent the door accidentally  popping off without the distortion.


Incidentally I drilled a hole in the lowest part to drain all water.

It will leak, it will take on water. so I let that water out again.

Good luck, make good use of your box.

Anyone can ride a bike fast....   But can you ride your bike real slow???