WE ride with the LONG WAY DOWN - Photos of an amazing Day

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Hayleyscomet's picture
Joined: 2007/06/30
AS you all may or may not know But Charlie and Ewan finished the last leg of their epic trip from Scotland to Cape Town Yesterday 4th August 2007....Some of us Lucky were Lucky to ride the last few hundred KM's with them....What great GUYS and What a GAS the ride was....Here are just some of the 500 photo's I took
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Ride Like the Wind


Brenda-Buttercup's picture
Joined: 2007/07/27
Nice, thanks for this. ''How about putting the pictures into the post itself instead of attaching them? It's much nicer to be able to see everything together on one page rather than clicking each image link separately. This new forum allows us to make some really nice layouts easily - let's use it.'' For help on how to insert images, [http://bmwmotorcycleclubcape.co.za/how-do-i-add-pictures-my-articles see the FAQ] :) Brenda
Hayleyscomet's picture
Joined: 2007/06/30
Unfortunatley the forum is not as user friendly as you may think or I am being doff ,but to upload 15 images even at 35kb avg it would take forever...Go check it out on Wild Dogs ....much better and bigger...Better still YOU should all have been there to enjoy this amasing day with the boys..I am trying to get a copy of the PRESS conference video....I did forget one very important Photo...see attached The Long Way Round: THE THREE BOYS - Charlie - Ewen and ClaudioThe Long Way Round: THE THREE BOYS - Charlie - Ewen and Claudio

Ride Like the Wind


Charles Oertel's picture
Joined: 2007/04/14
Hayleyscomet wrote:
Unfortunatley the forum is not as user friendly as you may think or I am being doff ,but to upload 15 images even at 35kb avg it would take forever...Go check it out on Wild Dogs ....much better and bigger...
Wilddogs is certainly bigger. However, I need to correct you on two points of information: * It is not better. I opened a page where there were pictures of all dimensions, and the page took ages to download because the site does not automatically resize big pictures. ** I tried to upload an image, and the mechanism is clunky, and I had no control over the final result without resorting to BBCode and all the stuff we are moving away from here. ** Just as you are unfamiliar with this site, I have forgotten how to work the old forum-style software. So I found wilddogs quite difficult to use. I bet that if you give this site a chance you will eventually resent using old-style forums ;-) * Whether you upload 15 images as attachments or as inline images you still need to upload 15 x 35kb - you saved nothing. kind regards Charles

Committee: Webmaster / Ride Captain

Joined: 2007/06/19
Sorry Charles, I am with "Haleyscomet" on this. Wilddog sit is much easier to post picture. Don't know why or how as i am now PC Guru, but it just seems to work better for me.
Charles Oertel's picture
Joined: 2007/04/14
Ok, two of you, then it must be true ;-) Could you explain exactly how wilddog is better regarding the upload of pictures, so that I can make it easier on this site? Kind regards Charles Oertel Website Administrator

Committee: Webmaster / Ride Captain

Charles Oertel's picture
Joined: 2007/04/14
Gulp - perhaps you can pop around to my place (tomorrow even) to show me how you work Wilddog etc so we can talk a bit. I am in Norfolk Park / Kirstenhof. regards Charles 083 309 6079

Committee: Webmaster / Ride Captain