We are invisible?

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skim's picture
Joined: 2014/12/10



AKA Jimmie Louw

R1200GS Adventure

Charles Oertel's picture
Joined: 2007/04/14

Thanks Jimmie - very informative.  I was only aware of the one problem - selective attention: where the driver is so focussed on spotting cars or "no cars" that a bike falls into the "no car" category.  The perfect illustration of this is a video where you have to count the number of times a basketball team has the ball.

At the end of the counting, most people have not noticed that someone dressed up in fancy dress walked right through the two teams.

So I say "don't expect motorists to see bikes, and don't ask them to look twice - you are wasting your time". Now if only we could get them to indicate we would have more of a fighting chance on the road.

Committee: Webmaster / Ride Captain