Watch out for cellphone users whilst driving...

7 replies [Last post]
JohandeJager's picture
Joined: 2007/10/03
Hi guys, Almost had 2 little incidents this morning whilst driving to work through traffic, I very rearely go faster than 40km/h in traffic and sometimes even feel that 40km/h is to fast.... Both times the drivers was driving over the white line into the next lane just at the moment as I were starting to pass between the cars, I found that both times these drivers were busy sending SMS's on their cells and not paying attention to their driving.....not to even mention the girl reading a magazine over her stearing wheel... Watch out as we are always in danger !! Let us make sure that when we drive cars we do not make the same mistakes and that we always look out for our fellow bikers. Keep it SAFE !!!

Johan de Jager "It's all about the ride, nothing else"

Padlangs (not verified)
Which road did you use? I passed a "lady" this morning that was busy with multiple pages spread out on the stearing wheel - while driving in the fast lane of the N1. Yes there was a huge gap in front of her. Monday was my worst morning ever!! I came in at about 8:30 - the same time as the rugby fans. Every second car had a rugby flag attached to the car. There was a horible vibe in the air - nobody paid any attention to what they were doing or where their cars were going. The one car just turned right in front of me - just after another bike had passed him!! We came so close that I lifted my foot over his bumper, the bumper then folded the rear footrest up. JdJ, what is your name? Did we meet at Kleinplasie? Charles, is it possible to have a function where memebers can display their "real" names?
ckloppers (not verified)
I ride on the N1 every morning (Silver F650GS with Think Bike vest) and my bights on ALL THE TIME and EVERY day I have a close call. People that just change lanes without indicating, change lanes and then indicate, people that deliberately get in your way. I must also mention that a lot of people in cars really make an effort to make way for bikers. They always get a friendly wave from me. Keep safe :-) Corné Kloppers 0849130391
Andyman's picture
Joined: 2007/06/22
In my paltry 40 000km a year, I have come to understand that Cape Town is tops, Welcome To Cape Town......... 90% of Cape drivers show respect and concern for bikers. Ok, I struggle with people tipping ash out their window without looking at who is getting it on their clothes/in their face. Most smokers apologise if I toet-toet them and wipe dust out my eyes. I give a CF number plate a wide berth as they dont' know what manners are!!!!!! Yes a generalisation but oh Hell brother a very accurate one at that!!! (with apologies to the many CF drivers who do know what a rear view mirror and fast lane are) I hardly ever have a motorist cut in front an I NEVER React if they do or take offence anymore. (I used to, but not in the last 3 years) But then I'm very visible, brights, and never more than a steady speed slightly above the main flow. I do not swerve, chop n change lanes, surge and brake, just speady passage, enjoying the day/night. I ride decisively, indicate well in advance and thank motorists who make room. I do not have Gooie Mealies pissing off motorists anymore as he surges - brakes, surges - brakes his way to town, so my trips are mostly really pleasant. But in Jozi, and Natal, motorists are not very bike friendly. A rude biker pissing off cars just ruins my ride, it brings out the worst in me. Andyman Yup that's me. Standing up in the traffic on the 1150GSA.

Anyone can ride a bike fast....   But can you ride your bike real slow???

JohandeJager's picture
Joined: 2007/10/03
Cape Town drivers.... Hi Padlands - yes we have met at Kleinplasie. I do agree that the capetonians have much more time for bikers to certain spots that I have been to, I have to admit I now reside in the southern suburbs (Tokai) and drive the N3, N2 & M5 to work everyday, the most of the problems accure on the N3 between UCT & the top of Bishops Court. I have property in the northern suburbs and from time to time stay over in Durbanville area and from there take the N1 to work, here I find that the guys in the "boerwors curtain" as some people refer to it; have a bit less patience towards bikers than in the southern suburbs - even the other night to and from the meeting did I experience this (we were 2 bikes going to the meeting and this is the 1st thing we said to each other when we got tot the meeting)...anyone agree or have found the same ? I agree with Andyman and I make a point of it to "thank you" a motorist that does make way or try and help in making your drive easier for the biker, by a mere wave of the hand. I do also beleive that BMW bike drivers is in a league of our own and has a very good wibe towards and about them - I never get angry and scream and shout (not that it is going to help in any case) towards a motorist and definitely do not start showing all kinds of sings as I have seen many bikers to in the past ....I try and be the better !!! Keep it SAFE !!

Johan de Jager "It's all about the ride, nothing else"

hd's picture
Joined: 2007/06/18
Can't agree more with all sentiments above. Also take N1 in the mornings. Also watch out for those trucks/bakkies that carry the glass panes next to the side - those things stick out a mile! Of course I don't even bother argueing with a taxi - watch for them and then assume he will go in front of you anyway. And then my favourite - all BMW and Audi drivers - they usually want to dice you! And last but least - watch out for those kippies on their Jap sportbikes - all full leathers and attitude - they will always try to pass you in the open road or stop start traffic they just have to show can go faster...



JohandeJager's picture
Joined: 2007/10/03
APPLAUSE TO hd !!!! Could not have said it better myself !!! Keep it SAFE !!

Johan de Jager "It's all about the ride, nothing else"

Charles Oertel's picture
Joined: 2007/04/14
I treat all cars as if they are blind. If they see me and move over, or indicate but wait for me to pass, I thank them. If they don't I ignore them, even if I must emergency brake, or swerve around them. I don't even look back at them (the way some riders ''glare'' at the driver). Glaring just alienates the driver: * either it was a genuine mistake and the driver is sorry, but you then act so aggressively they end up feeling aggressive towards motorcyclists, or * it was deliberate aggression, and your actions prove that the driver was right in taking you on. I just ride on and focus on the next potential incident, and feel glad that I am riding and not sitting in a cage. That strategy also works quite well if you clip a mirror because the car was too close to the centerline. The M3 usually has a nice center-lane that is clear and the drivers are considerate. The elevated freeway at the foreshore/waterfront is murderous - I ride on the shoulder and not between the cars on that stretch. regards Charles

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