Wanted: second-hand fairing

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Zanie's picture
Joined: 2013/11/21

Anyone know of a local source for a second-hand left-hand-side trim panel for a 2001 F650GS? Part number 46637652583. I may need the little black badge support as well (part 46637652671) if I cannot salvage it (also cracked).

The sadness...

FYI 1: I know of Acme Salvage, but looking local first.

FYI 2: My bike is a Frankenstein, so the panel shown above was already from a wrong model bike, hence the two small holes for where the badge of the other model bike would attach. Therefore I'm not too fussed about the exact model. As along as it fits. Might not be too fussed about the colour either, as long as it's priced ok and I can have it resprayed.

Craig SexyChef Milne's picture
Joined: 2016/03/22

Hi Zanie

Try Motorcycle Graveyard in Knysna. I have bought items from therm before and had it sent to Cape Town.

I dealt with a lady called Elzanne

The Motorcycle Graveyard

9 Hadida St.

Industrial area



081 427 4614


Craig A Milne

US Embassy, Basrah, Iraq

You only live once, but if you do it right

That's all you need

Zanie's picture
Joined: 2013/11/21

Scratch the thought of getting a replacement fairing. Andrew King from Kingtek Motorcycles did a great fix-up job. I'll keep the current fairing until it decides to actually disintegrate. Meanwhile it looks quite stylish. Now my bike really does resemble Frankenstein.

As an aside, I had to replace my thermostat. It seems that the hit to the left-hand-side of the bike possibly caused it to stop functioning correctly.

Kevin Charleston's picture
Joined: 2011/09/09

Good looking 'scar' Zanie.

Definitely adds character wink

zebra's picture
Joined: 2008/03/28

nice repair - bike now known as 'Scar-face'?! :)

Zanie - there is also a Paarden Eiland Company - Clives Custom Panels -  that specializes in structural and cosmetic repairs to bike panels, and they do a LOT of panels!

Remind me next time you are in, and I'll look up there number, IF you need work/more work doing on your panels...



Zanie's picture
Joined: 2013/11/21

Chris: Paarden Island is a bit tricky for me. I work in Westlake and can easily lift between work and Kingtek (3 km away) thanks to a work colleague. I also figure cable ties will stand up against vibrations a bit better than plastic welding. I can live with all the superficial scrape and grooves - fixing them will be a never-ending job. My bike is full of cable-ties!

Cable-ties on the remainder of my poop-scoop:

Serious cable-ties and Pratley steel for a threaded frame screw (rethreading requires drop-down of entire engine, so this temporary fix will do for now):