Visiting from Australia

18 replies [Last post]
mtbfreakster's picture
Joined: 2007/11/21
G'day everyone, I'll be over in Cape Town for approx. 6 months as of mid January 08, as my missus has got a job transfer. I'm keen to do some exploring, but where do I start? Need to get a bike of course! Have been looking around various sites. Do I hire long term? hire as needed? or buy then sell when I leave? Do organised tours? Any suggestions would be great. I wasn't keen on shipping my bike over, seems like too much hassle. Also just wondering where we should be looking to rent and live? She'll be working in CT and I'll be working from home. Thanks.
Joined: 2007/07/25
Hey welcome Ollie Hiring is expensive so buy is maybe best , It is easy to sell again for same money paid There are two sales guys here they both work at Auto atlantic BMW Ruan and Marius ( sandrat and Freak ) they the guys to speak to . As for the exploring you at the right place these guys ride . You may want to rent close to CT if it is short term maybe top of town kloof st or that area as travelling in to town in the traffic is hell. good luck and enjoy your stay
Annie's picture
Joined: 2007/06/17
Welcome Ollie! Hope to see you and your wife on some of our rides! regards Annie
Geoff Russell's picture
Joined: 2007/09/25
Have you been to CT before, If yes any ideas of where you want to stay. Looking for flat or house. Kids, dogs, cats? What bike are you considering? Wife work office hours? (Has to do with travel time to and from work) Where will she be working? Want near beach, town? Let us know more and I am sure we can help with loads more advice. Geoff.

Committee: Ride Captain

mtbfreakster's picture
Joined: 2007/11/21
Thanks for your help. We've never been to CT. Probably looking to stay in a flat... I guess, whatever will be more secure, I keep hearing dodgy stories from people, is security such a huge issue? As for which bike, would be nice to know when the 800GS will be available :) 650 dakar, or even a XChallenge would do the trick for the time I'm there. Depends what's available at the time. What do used 1150 or 1200's go for? Near the beach look nice, I'm into mountain biking too so somwhere I can ride would be great. We've been looking at some Real Estate websites in the areas of Bantry Bay, Sea Point, Clifton. Are we looking in the right area? No pets, we need to leave them home. I would like a nice view as I'll be working from home, speaking of which I'll need a fast internet connection, can you recommend a reliable ISP? She'll be based in Woolworths head office. Thanks
Padlangs (not verified)
Do you know where Woolworths head office is situated? Crime? Yes, the stats are scary - BUT, there are common sense ways of avoiding becoming a statistic. If you leave valuables in sight, expext it to be stolen. Do NOT walk around alone after sunset, etc.! The 650GS and Dakar are lovely bikes. I doubt if the X-series has footpegs for a pillion. :(
Andyman's picture
Joined: 2007/06/22
Ollie, Woolworths gead office is dead centre of Cape Town Send me a pm with your mail addy and Ill sedn you a goggle earth placemark. Mweb is a relaible ISP but you want a place with an optic fibre cable service. Ask your agent. Bantry Bay, Camps Bay are knonw as the most expensive places to stay and yr wife won't thank you for the traffic battle she will have every day both ways. Your buck are better spent renting a flat closer and doing some touring and sightseeing. Security is a perception. 80% of victims were already victims because of their careless regards to simple security principles. In 45 years I never been done in, hardly know anyone who is done in and 90% of theones I do were'nt robbed, they gave it away due to sheer STUPIDITY. Cape Town is as safe as you want to be. Don't come here with an attitiude of being a victim, we got enough of those already. Buy a bike and sell it when you leave. Don't rely on public transport Andyman Yup that's me. Standing up in the traffic on the 1150GSA.

Anyone can ride a bike fast....   But can you ride your bike real slow???

pietpetoors's picture
Joined: 2007/09/04
Would you need a fixed line Internet like ADSL or a mobile one like 3G? Unfortunately iBurt's coverage is not very good yet if you go out of the main cities.
Padlangs (not verified)
Most of these connections are coupled with a 2 year contract. :( Would be worthwhile checking if Telkom will provide an ADSL line without a fixed contract. I previously used "normal" Telkom internet dialup - month-to-month, NO loooong contract, just phone in and cancel when you dont need it any more. Only problem, they might take 5 months to do the installation. Maybe some of the IT specialists out there knows of another short term, high end, internet provider.
mtbfreakster's picture
Joined: 2007/11/21
Looks like we've managed to secure an apartment. It's been hard finding a place as they tell us it's the high season and school holidays are on. We're also getting ADSL 2 supplied, but I'd don't know what 'supplied' means yet.
Padlangs (not verified)
Most probably supplied means the wiring is there - you still need to find an internet provider. However get "wired" is normally the bit that takes the longest to sort out. You would most probably find Telkom is the only one that will give you high speed access for a period less than 2 years.
Charles Oertel's picture
Joined: 2007/04/14
Padlangs wrote:
You would most probably find Telkom is the only one that will give you high speed access for a period less than 2 years.
I'm on ADSL, no long-term contract. My ISP is month to month. The contracts are only if they throw in an ADSL router, that you then end up paying off. Probably the quickest way to get connected is via your cell phone. Buy prepaid bandwidth, connect to the phone using bluetooth, and use GPRS/3G. Portable, quick-enough, and quite cheap. If your PC/Laptop does not do bluetooth, R150 bucks later you can have a bluetooth USB stick that does it for you. This is the mechanism I use at the club when I give forum support.

Committee: Webmaster / Ride Captain

Warren Koen's picture
Joined: 2007/06/18

Aka Beemerstyle

Andyman's picture
Joined: 2007/06/22
Ollie, sent you the google earth placemark, pls confirm you have it Andyman Yup that's me. Standing up in the traffic on the 1150GSA.

Anyone can ride a bike fast....   But can you ride your bike real slow???

Geoff Russell's picture
Joined: 2007/09/25
Ollie be sure to contact us as soon as you get to SA so that you have mates as soon as you arrive. I am sure I speak for the others in that we can show you around and get you on to 2 wheels ASAP so you can come ride with us. If you go to the "For Sale" section of this Forum there is a beautiful GS 1150 for sale. I guess you could negotiate in the early R60K's (not sure of your budget)and you would instantly have a great on/off road tourer at your disposal. The owner Wayne is a BMW Club member. Geoff 0828078130

Committee: Ride Captain

Joined: 2007/06/25
Ollie, You could well enjoy our country so much that you will stay, I know of an Aussie and a few Kiwi's that love it here. Bum in the saddle, always.

Think before you ink.

Trust is the most valuable asset.

I have the rest of my life to get old.

mtbfreakster's picture
Joined: 2007/11/21
My wife and I are certainly looking forward to getting over there... not long now. Can anyone point me in the right direction for Motorcycle Insurance. I haven't got a bike yet but thought I'd better look into other boring things like that. Thanks.
Frank Thomas (not verified)
I use H.Harnack & Associates 021 461 6856 I had to claim once ,and they were fantastic..
Padlangs (not verified)
BMW offers insurance on BMW motorcycles - very decent prizes as well. Contact Freakonaleash (aka Marius) he can sort you out.