Tracks 4 Africa Android App

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Charles Oertel's picture
Joined: 2007/04/14

I recently bought the Tracks4Africa Android App.  R800 from the Google Play Store.

It is really useful for exploring route options and navigating the Tracks4Africa routes and alternatives even when you don't have a signal.  The usual problem with most phone mapping apps is that you either need to cache maps of the region ahead of time, or you need internet.

The problem with my Zumo 550 is that unless you have explored and planned the trip in advance on your PC, you are  pretty much at the mercy of the device if you need to plan something different.

All these problems are elegantly solved with the Tracks4Africa app:

  • I could plan trips on the phone whenever and wherever I wanted.
  • I could specify the type of road I wanted to include or exclude (no tolls, dirt, highways, etc).  I could also review the route and specifically exclude certain segments and choose from the alternatives it presented.
  • I had a choice of route, from green to shortest, fastest etc. and I could modify the route to my taste.
  • The app has fuel, food and accommodation waypoints, and can present them according to your route, your destination, or your current location.  So I could find a hotel at our destination, and also a nearby restaurant where we are now.
  • The navigation prompts are easy to follow (and pleasant).

I still use the Zumo because it is on my handlebars and gives speed and eta while I am riding, but if I need to navigate a new route en route, I will program it into my phone and follow the voice prompts via bluetooth.

Committee: Webmaster / Ride Captain