Thanks from Guest speaker May 2019

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Joined: 2017/03/13

Dear Rouen,

I’m on my way to the airport and the only thing I can think of the past 2 day is the club meeting. 

I want to say big thank to you, David and all CT BMW club, for giving me the opportunity to introduce  Air-Flow seat cover.

It was an amazing experience for me as it was the first time that I talked about Air-Flow in front of passionate fellow bikers . 

Please pass my gratitude for all the club members .


Thank you again.

Tsahi Ben Ishay 


Committee: Secretary/ Ride Leader

Anna-Marie's picture
Joined: 2009/10/13

Very kind of Tsahi to comment on our club meeting.

Those that supported him in the airflow seat cover, please post your comments on the use of it.