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Andyman's picture
Joined: 2007/06/22

You stuck with tha flopping pillion peg problem???

At some stage the silly o-rings on your pillion pegs wear out and perish.

I have recently seen three bikes with the pillion peg tied up because the o-ring has perished and fallen away, leaving the pillion peg flopping around.

So I thought I would share my McGuiver for this frustrating thing.

It is safe to try at home, you do not need any special skills.


At your local hardware buy  some 4 mm bungy chord.
(I always have a few meters with me on a ride to make up adhoc bungy chords as required.)

Wind the chord around the peg where the 'O'-ring was.

Wind it on twice and knot it off with a reef knot on the under side.



Pull it real tight, which means you need some extra chord on each end to give you the right length for leverage.




Once tied off, you cut is down near the knot, (chuck the excess away)



and then using a lighter, burn the ends off to cauterise them and stop them fraying.



the job looks neat and is very effective.




This is the same peg after about 40 000 kilometres



This is the O-ring as it was originally fitted



And this is the frustrating peg which rattles a round when the O-ring perishes and falls away


Anyone can ride a bike fast....   But can you ride your bike real slow???

Andyman's picture
Joined: 2007/06/22

O Ja,

you can buy this bungy chord in either of two colors at Brights or at Builders Warehouse -  black or white

Anyone can ride a bike fast....   But can you ride your bike real slow???