Stettynskloof - a Boland gem!

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Trygve Roberts's picture
Joined: 2014/06/12

Today is a major day in our history. Feb 1st sees the MPSA project going 100% full time professional. It's a big step, not without some emotion, but forwards we must go!

On Wednesday evening I was invited by the BMW Club to be the guest speaker at the monthly meeting. We had a great, attentive crowd with our message being the importance of briding the gap between motorists and bikers as well as finding your second life purpose. Thank you for the opportunity. We do public speaking engagements free of charge, so if your company or organisation looking for something different in terms of subject matter, give me a call on 0836588888.

We have just added this stunning new pass to our database. Not only is the scenery stunning, but it's one of the last places in the Cape where you can catch Rainbow Trout - or you can camp along the banks of the river on 5 star camp sites with own ablutions and thick, level, grassed sites; have a meal at the Dwarsberg Trout hideaway bistro or take a hike to the waterfall. If you haven't visited this venue, make a plan, but its popular, so you need to book well in advance. It is unlikely that Dwarsberg will allow motorcycles or quads, so you'll need to tackle this one in your car or bakkie.

Our news release this week covers not only a full review of this narrow and convoluted pass, but we also cover a range of other interesting related topics. We unpack MPSA's 6 year history from rookie videographers to an international website with 100,000 page views per month. As always its free, gratis and pasella to BMW Club members via this link:

Trygve (Robby) Roberts
Mobile 083 658 8888