28 replies [Last post]
Max Lange's picture
Joined: 2007/06/26


Interested so far:

  • Willem Smith (pd)
  • Jacques Botha (cf)
  • GeoffreyS (pd)
  • Jean (pd)
  • Rene (pd)
  • Eric Pretorius (cf)
  • Snoekie (Jean) (pd)
  • John Gillespie (pd)


Payment details

Payment can be made to the following account: Made to Max Lange, ABSA Cheque, ACT = 01018540602. BC=506-009 [email confirmation to twowheels@iafrica.com]


  • If the weather is not suitable the training will be postponed
  • Unfortunately no refunds, If you don't pitch, you forfeit 


What is on offer

I would like to offer a morning of training to the BMW club members, the training is aimed at new riders who have mastered the use of the bike controls and want to improve their road riding skills. Topics covered will include:

1. Basic bike maintenance 2. Mastering slow speed control 3. All aspects of using the brakes 4. Acceleration and gearing 5. Cornering


Saturday, September the 7th from 08:30 to 12:00


As with all my training I use an open parking lot in Montague Gardens, it’s a little crude but works well.


R200 per person, unfortunately limited to 12 persons [should we have enough interest another session will be organised ASAP]


Both myself [Max] and Ivan will be on hand to assist and guide you throughout the morning. Together we have years of riding and training under the belt including road, track and dual purpose; we have been doing the training for 9 years and together have a wealth of experience to share.

If interested please let me know so that I can plan accordingly.

Cheers Max


Willem Smith's picture
Joined: 2011/02/16

Hi Max,

I would like to participate.


Willem Smith

082 332 0425

Jacques Botha R66's picture
Joined: 2012/10/02

I will also join in. Training should never stop.

Werner Schworke's picture
Joined: 2012/07/24


Pls add me for some training! always need more training!

Werner schworke

Live to ride!!!


Joined: 2013/06/28

I'm also in

Joined: 2007/06/25

Hello Max, Please include Jean and me as her companion.

Tx. René

Think before you ink.

Trust is the most valuable asset.

I have the rest of my life to get old.

Eric Pretorius's picture
Joined: 2012/04/11
I'll join in thanks.


Joined: 2007/06/25

Max, How and when do you want payment?

Think before you ink.

Trust is the most valuable asset.

I have the rest of my life to get old.

Max Lange's picture
Joined: 2007/06/26



Werner Schworke's picture
Joined: 2012/07/24

hallo max

Can I pay end off month?


Werner schworke

Live to ride!!!


Max Lange's picture
Joined: 2007/06/26

Yes that fine.


Werner Schworke's picture
Joined: 2012/07/24

thanx max! 

Werner schworke

Live to ride!!!


Snoekie's picture
Joined: 2010/09/12

Hi Max

Did training with you before, would like to attend, kindly put my name up, thanks!!


Max Lange's picture
Joined: 2007/06/26

Guys and dolls, this is cheap as chips and a really good opportunity to improve your road riding skills.


Max Lange's picture
Joined: 2007/06/26
As Saturday draws closer I would like to confirm attandence of those of you who have not yet paid, please bring cash on the day.
The venue is in Montague Gardens, see map
Training venueTraining venueTraining venue from N1Training venue from N1


Snoekie's picture
Joined: 2010/09/12

Hi Max

My proof of payment via email bounced back, seems like your inbox is full, have sent on to Ivan though.....


See you Saturday.





Jacques Botha R66's picture
Joined: 2012/10/02

Hi Max,

Will keep my commitment and bring the cash.

Eric Pretorius's picture
Joined: 2012/04/11

See you on Saturday Max and I'll ring cash.  Thnx.


Max Lange's picture
Joined: 2007/06/26


twowheels rider academy page


Jacques Botha R66's picture
Joined: 2012/10/02

What an investment in my future riding!!!!!!!!!

Thanks Max and Ivan for an excellent adventure. Never knew that a "Roadies Training Session" could be such fun and a nice experience.

I never realized that by travelling at 100km/h, you are actually travelling at appr. 27m/sec.  This means that when you travel at 100km/h, and you blink your eyes for a second at something else, you have missed out on 27 metres in front of you. Just imagine if something happened in front of you in that 1 second. Would you be able to respond effectively?  At 50 km/h it took me 15m to stop with ABS on, whilst it took me only 10 m with ABS off. Wow, I never knew that.  So, at the end of the session, with a lot of other exercises, I have experienced a lot more than we have started off with.

This was really an eye opener for me as I deemed myself to be an experienced rider. Never too old to learn something new.  You can after all teach an old dog new tricks.



Max Lange's picture
Joined: 2007/06/26

Thanks, it was also great to see how everyone improved and learnt. BTW most of us like to travel around 130km/h which equates to 36 meters per second. 


Charles Oertel's picture
Joined: 2007/04/14

Your comments mirror those of many experienced riders who do their first training.  They learn a lot (often more than novices do), and rave about how much they didn't know before and how much more they have to learn.  And they had fun.

So, to all you experienced riders out there, on tar and on dirt.  Treat yourself to a training course and then try and tell me you did not learn anything and you did not have fun.  It is indeed an investment in your safety and will save you money in bike repairs and maintenance.

Committee: Webmaster / Ride Captain

Eric Pretorius's picture
Joined: 2012/04/11

Great training session yesterday morning.  Besides the vauable riding info I found the session on what to check on the bike before riding a great reminder e.g. where to check the front and back suspension mounting bolts was completely new to me.  Also, how far one should be into the corner before turning was a relevation and the distance covered every second already mentioned by Jacques.  Tons of good riding haibits and techniques refreshed and practiced.  Finally I found the three and a half hour time period perfect.  Long enough to cover substantial topics but not too long for information overload and more importantly to become tired and start making mistakes.


Joined: 2007/06/25

Max and Ivan thank you guys for a wonderful morning. Initially I wanted this program for Jean's benifit, afterall I'm the old dog. Well the excercise highlighted numerous things that I was ignoring during my normal riding. Like Jaques this brak is grateful for the time you fellows spent with the students. May I suggest that one and all attend a top up visit to this course which is professionally presented. It is one of the best R200-00s  I have spent in a long long time.  

Think before you ink.

Trust is the most valuable asset.

I have the rest of my life to get old.

Tony's picture
Joined: 2008/08/24

is a critical factor in rider safety.

The table below shows the risk of being involved in an accident in relation to riding experience. A risk of 1.0 is average, greater than 1.0 means a higher than average risk.

The numbers show that a rider with less than 6 months' experience was almost twice as likely to have an accident as the rider with more than 4 years. However, the rider with 2-3 years experience was even more likely to crash than a new rider.

This could (possibly) be ascribed to the "I know it all" effect.

Riding Experience (months Risk
0 - 6 1.40
7 - 12 0.96
13 - 24 0.93
25 - 36 1.52
37 - 48 0.98
48+ 0.83

From the Hurt Report (1981)

Even though the data is from an old US based study, I think that many of the trends it identified are still valid today.

A bend in the road is not the end of the road... unless you fail to make the turn. ~Author Unknown

Charles Oertel's picture
Joined: 2007/04/14

The Hurt Report also shows statistics related to the likelihood of an accident given the training received.  Apparently:

  • Untrained riders are most at risk
  • Riders trained by family members tend to be next highest in risk
  • Riders trained by professional training providers are at lowest risk.

Regarding the risk with experience profile - one of the reasons we gather the "number of years riding a bike" statistic in the site's user profile is to understand the potential risk of each member.

Committee: Webmaster / Ride Captain

Tony's picture
Joined: 2008/08/24

Unfortunately this profile statistic can be a misleading indicator of risk. Frown

A lot of riders with 20 years experience are riding the same year of experience twenty times. Skills which are not practiced die, and twenty-year-old road strategies might not hold up in the 21st century.

A bend in the road is not the end of the road... unless you fail to make the turn. ~Author Unknown

Joined: 2011/01/27
 ....I would like to thank both Max and Ivan for the excellent training session. Many of the things they have taught us are things I did many years ago but over time a person adopt bad habits and stick to them and think they are the correct way of doing it. Because there are not that many "roadies" training sessions it was an eye opener to realise how much more training I need. So Max and Ivan, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for another training session to be held soon.
Snoekie's picture
Joined: 2010/09/12

Hi Max and Ivan

Want to echo what everyone has mentioned already.  Have been in a very fortunate position to start training before developing bad habits, as soon as i bought my first ever bike last year February.   So i am coming from a complete novice point of view:  What is apparent is how quickly you also forget techniques taught at training, if you do not practice them regularly thereafter - for me in particular it was road positioning during cornering.

By practising the basics often - the 4 basic rules - everything else considered more advanced happens almost automatically, and it feels right.

A training session 2 - 3 times a year is what i am aiming to do for as long as i ride a bike.

Thanks again, can't wait for the next one and a track day would be awesome.

