
2 replies [Last post]
It seems our beloved "camera operators" have negotiated a new salary structure. New fine ratesNew fine rates For those that use the N1 between Bellville and Paarl - There is a "camera operator" on duty virtually EVERY DAY. The position always moves about. The only constant WAS that they were always at the lower part of a downhill section. NOT ANY MORE, they now also monitor the uphill sections. Last week they were also spotted at TWO separate spots - at the same time. Both cameras pointed to the REAR of the vehicles.
wolf's picture
Joined: 2007/06/20
What is the fine for riding without a number plate? www.wode.co.za
Padlangs (not verified)
Probably less, BUT you do stand the chance that your bike might be impounded. Ask the "fugitive" about designer mud on the plate. ;) Earlier today I went out to Paarl. Once again the camera operator was on duty. The camera was aimed at the REAR plates !!