So many buttons on my bike!

21 replies [Last post]
TvN's picture
Joined: 2007/07/05
The weekend's off road ride reminded me that I have no idea which buttons to switch on and off when going on gravel. I did consult the manual but am still unsure. Could anyone please advise me? I have a full spec 1200. How do I switch off the ABS? Do I need to do anything else? What does the traction control do?
Freakonaleash's picture
Joined: 2007/06/19
If you are coming to Richwood tommorow I will show you Tania. RIDE,RACE,PLAY! I RIDE THEREFORE I AM!
TvN's picture
Joined: 2007/07/05
Great, thanks Freak! Will definitely be there.
Joined: 2008/07/15
TvN maybe I am missing the plot, but the person that sold you the bike should show how the "thank you button" and others work. The manual is not a "get out of jail card" for when they did not show how your bike works - or must you read the whole manual in the show room to find the "running in" instructions on page 98 .... ? Now before I get crusified here - YES each time I bought a bike at a dealer I was shown all the functions. Last year I bought a VW and collected the vehicle late on a Friday afternoon. After a speedy tuition I had to go home and read the manual to figure out some of the functions - the manual is written for a range of products. Thus it was totally confusing. I went back on the Monday and insisted on a proper demo - was shown a number of functions that was not even in the manual !!! (thus my passion about salesman ....)
TvN's picture
Joined: 2007/07/05
I received a proper demo the day I collected my bike but since I didn't take him off road for the first few month I cannot remember much. So I actually need a refresher course. I do know how the thank you buttons work :)
ChrisH's picture
Joined: 2008/11/21
I am sure anyone will gladly refresh your memory on how the buttons on the GS work.
TvN's picture
Joined: 2007/07/05
Freak will show me this afternoon. If any further confusion sets in I'll visit one of our friendly dealers :)
ChrisH's picture
Joined: 2008/11/21
Freak will freak out at all the buttons.
Freakonaleash's picture
Joined: 2007/06/19
Charles Oertel's picture
Joined: 2007/04/14
I'm in for Richwood this arvie - who else apart from the button-pushers ;-) Oh, BTW, I'm bringing my cones... Website Administrator [ Honey Badger IT Services]

Committee: Webmaster / Ride Captain

TvN's picture
Joined: 2007/07/05
Great news Charles! Gabriel, Renette and Diana is also joining us.
Charles Oertel's picture
Joined: 2007/04/14
Gabriel was there - nobody else. Ladies - if you want to get better at riding, you need to ride, even if the air is not dead still, or water is falling out the sky. The place is nice, but I won't make the trek out there from Muizenberg again in a hurry - especially if it means that I am all alone and need to do cones and tame stuff that I could do at home. Thanks for coming Gabriel - at least I got to ride some of the more interesting parts of the track knowing there was someone around who could help if I came unstuck. Website Administrator [ Honey Badger IT Services]

Committee: Webmaster / Ride Captain

TvN's picture
Joined: 2007/07/05
Aaawh Charles, so sorry that we couldn't join you yesterday! We did attempt to contact you to apologise for not going to be there. Didn't Gabriel tell you? But agree...if we want to get better we need to ride!
Charles Oertel's picture
Joined: 2007/04/14
Renette did phone to say it was too windy and you girls were not going to be there. However, I had already gone to extraordinary lengths to work in the time so that I could leave work early enough, and Gabriel had canceled an important investment meeting in order to be there. No problem, obviously there is a mismatch of priorities - in engineering terms, ''an impedance mismatch''. Website Administrator [ Honey Badger IT Services]

Committee: Webmaster / Ride Captain

rynet's picture
Joined: 2008/03/17
Charles I did tell you that I developed the flue late yesterday afternoon, I could hardly ride home let alone at the track , and am feeling even worse today, if I did not work for myself I would be in bed today . If not for the flue I would have been there. If I commit to something then I am there, and even more so if it involves bikes. I ride my bike every day throughout the year, even it if rains ,and I love riding in the wind. Tanya phoned to say it was windy. Diana had a meeting and was not going to go anyway. I did phone Gabriel's office to tell him about my flue ,but was too late as he had left already . But I really am sorry as I know that Gabriel would not have gone if not for my prompting, and you did go through specially . Please forgive me and let me know how I can make this up to you. I could offer to pitch your tent at the CB Dual festival? :) Or more doable, I could buy you and Gabriel a beer each ? ''"4 wheels move the body,'' ''2 wheels move the soul"''
rynet's picture
Joined: 2008/03/17
Ps Tanya was also sick earlier in the week hence her not wanting to ride in wind ,she just reminded me , and she tried to phone everyone , thanks Tanya . But no worries I have just spoken to Charles ,and we are all best friends again :) ''"4 wheels move the body,'' ''2 wheels move the soul"''
Joined: 2008/11/27
Charles, thanks for the patience with a rookie yesterday. That 800 needs a better jockey than me at this stage and I need all the help I can get. What was tame to you was learning curve for me. Will buy some of my own cones this w/e and practise there during the week. Ladies, missed you and would like to see you there when you're all better! Looking forward to the beer!
Charles Oertel's picture
Joined: 2007/04/14
No probs Gabriel - you were coming along quite nicely. Sorry you dropped the bike. See if you can find a nice patch of grass to practice on rather than the rough stuff at the track. I'm glad you pitched - riding alone in a strange place in this violent society is not much fun. Just remember: ''Moenie 'n naatryer wees nie!'' :) Get that body on the outside of the turn and keep the shoulders square to the handlebars. Website Administrator [ Honey Badger IT Services]

Committee: Webmaster / Ride Captain

Joined: 2008/11/27
Dropped the bike? What bike,Charles? Oh,the bike that could'nt take my hard riding anymore and wanted to rest for a sec! BTW,If my body was meant to be on the outside of the bike I would have had a sidecar.:) Thanks Charles. Will get there one day.
Charles Oertel's picture
Joined: 2007/04/14
Ja, I know the drill - Mr.Badger also suffers from narcolepsy and just lies down when he has had enough. Last night it was 3 times! I wish he would give me warning so I can jump clear in time :) Website Administrator [ Honey Badger IT Services]

Committee: Webmaster / Ride Captain

PeterO's picture
Joined: 2007/09/11
Ok this forum has me baffled! How did we go from pushing Tania's buttons to falling asleep? :-) ''If you can dream it you can do it!''

If you can dream it you can do it!

Joined: 2008/03/15
Hi, Jack! Or is it Jill - after playing sweeper on the ladies ride?