Riding in rain - how to keep the visor clear

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Trevor Rennison's picture
Joined: 2013/08/26

I had a scary commute this morning. It was dark and it was raining. I don't normally ride in the rain if I can avoid it, but having checked the forecasts I decided that I would take the chance of encountering a little bit of rain, rather than endure the pain of having to commute by car.

This morning's rain was no more than a drizzle at best, but it was the scariest ride I've ever had. Combined with the darkness, the visibility was crap, mainly due to the accumulation of water on the outside of my visor.

I literally had to wipe my visor with my glove about every 5 seconds, to maintain semi-decent visibility and I don't remember ever having to visor wipe so frequently when I've ridden in rain before. I even wound my screen down to try to get the air to blast the visor clean but that didn't help much.

So my question is: What product should I use to treat my visor so the water will bead off? You guys that are regular 'riders on the storm' probably have a few tricks up your sleeve for maintaining a safe level of visibility and I'm sure it doesn't involve manual wiping, which I don't regard as safe when it has to be done so frequently.

I'm thinking of the products one uses on a car windscreen (C-Thru, Rainshield, etc.) to make the water bead off. Can one use these products on a perspex visor without damaging it?

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

So many mountains, so little time.

Craig SexyChef Milne's picture
Joined: 2016/03/22

Hi Trevor

I just bought "Raincoat Pro" at Flying Brick for my visors. It costs R389.00 and they now have 4 left. The product was originally brought in by ATG, but they have discontinued it and Flying rick bought up their last stock.

Craig A Milne

US Embassy, Basrah, Iraq

You only live once, but if you do it right

That's all you need

Trevor Rennison's picture
Joined: 2013/08/26

Thanks Craig

Presumably that's something you treat the visor with that causes the water to bead off?

I was in Trac Mac yesterday and asked if they knew of anything but the only suggestion was Mr Min, which I already use to clean my visor.

I'll talk to Chris



So many mountains, so little time.