
9 replies [Last post]
Charl Smit's picture
Joined: 2007/09/07
I'm new here, and currently shopping for a bike. Current favourite is the R1200C (if I can find a very good bargain somewhere. I was wondering if there are any other cruiser owners here, or are you all offroad junkies? I tend to do all my extreme offroading on 4 wheels with the good folk of www.4x4community.co.za (and I see a few fellow members around here). So I know the maintenance of owning a 2nd offroad vehicle will become too much for me... better to stick to a cruiser, I'm thinking. Also, my wife loves offroading but hates bikes... best keep the 2 separate. So any thoughts on my choice?
ChristoEngelbrecht's picture
Joined: 2007/06/21
Welcome to the forum and hope that you will find the bike you are looking for. You are wrong to assume that there are only off road riders on this forum. We with the road bikes are just not as loud. There are RT's, KT's, GT's, etc. all over the forum. A nice place to meet the people would be to join in a breakfast run or one of the club weekend outings.
Padlangs (not verified)
Cliff Warmsley and Chris Dunn both ride cruisers, and I am sure there are many more cruisers out there. As ChristoE said, the on-road croad are just not as "loud" as the off-roaders. Come join us on a ride, or at the next club meeting - this is the quickest way of getting to know everybody. May you have many pleasant hours on a bike.
Charles Oertel's picture
Joined: 2007/04/14
Dear Charl It seems you have the wrong first name to own a C(h)r{u}is(er) ;-) Us off-roaders only seem loud because we are always so excited :), and as for the cost of it - quite a few of us are cheapskates. I have no budget for bike repairs and ride sensibly while still having a huge amount of fun. Don't confuse off-road with scrambling and moto-X, and don't underestimate the cruising ability of a GS or Adventure. I suggest you test-drive each before you commit. When I bought my Funduro, it was as a replacement for my scooter, for communting only, and I was never going to go off-road ever. But there was no on-road bike training available, and the only training I could find was the ''Intro to Off-road'' BMW training at Zevenwacht. Now I am hooked. YMMV though. :)

Committee: Webmaster / Ride Captain

chris dunn's picture
Joined: 2007/06/18
I ride a 1200C and a 1200GS. The cruiser is great. But so is the GS. There are always a few cruisers for sale on Autotrader. There is a really nice blue one 2005, 8400 km for 95K. There was another one for 55K, didn't give any other details.
Charl Smit's picture
Joined: 2007/09/07
Yeah, look, 95k is way out of my budget, and that puts most of the big GSs out of my reach too. I wasn't even considering a cruiser until I recently missed out on a 2000 model with 18000kms for a very good price. Yes, even less than that 55k one :-) I guess my 2nd choice is a 650 GS / Dakar, but the cruiser is just the most beautiful piece of functional art I've ever laid eyes on. I just know I gotta have one! And seeing as I'll mostly use it for commuting (anything is more economical when you drive a 4 liter jeep) and the odd breakfast run, common sense says the 650 is better suited. But then, common sense doesn't feature when you're thinking with your heart.
Padlangs (not verified)
Contact the various dealers - Atlantic Motorad (Auto Atlantic) Donford Hamman Motorad They are regularly approached by people wanting to trade in bikes on newer models - they all walk around with a little "black book" of bikes that are on offer / people that are looking for a bargain. Every now and again they put buyers and sellers in contact. You can then even negotiate a price for which they will check the bike out for you, road worthy and register it - or what ever else it is that you want to negotiate. Hope to see you on the road soon.
Charl Smit's picture
Joined: 2007/09/07
Thanks... I'll do that. I've SMSed the guy selling the ugly green one for 55k in the Autotrader... let's see what happens. In the mean time I'd appreciate it if you guys can keep your eyes open for an unbelievable deal in the region of 50k, preferably not exceeding. (I know... I know) Thanks Charl ----- Faster than summer fruit through a short granny
halfjob's picture
Joined: 2007/06/21
hey charl,glad to see you are looking for a bike,welcome to the forum!i have just sold a dakar with 9000km on the clock for 54k to upgrade to a 1200 adventure so i am sure there are others around.try your best to find a 1200GS even if you have to fork out a bit more,they are awsome bikes and good for cruising as well.hock your house or something!! cheers mark me again,are you interested in a 2003 dakar with 80k km on the clock full service history with agents and a new clutch? pm me if you are

i only work to support my hobbies!!

Charl Smit's picture
Joined: 2007/09/07
So check out the nice looking ivory R1200C in the Autotrader. It's a 1997 model with 10800 km, no extras. They want R66k. According to Mead & Mcgrouther: [list][*][b]Estimated Trade Range:[/b] R 45349.2 - R 46303.92 [*][b]Estimated Retail Range:[/b] R 50767.05 - R 53171.81[/list] Don't you think R66k is a bit high? Or am I under-estimating the resale value? I bet if you try to trade one in they would be the first to pull out the book and offer you 45! Guess I'll hold out a bit longer then... unless they accept my generous offer, which is nearly 2 grand over estimated retail! (Not holding my breath) --- [font=Courier][size=2][color=grey]Faster than summer fruit through a short granny[/color][/size][/font]