Proposed change to Constitution

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David ffoulkes's picture
Joined: 2015/02/19

Notice is given of a General meeting to be held on 25 September 2019 to vote on a proposed change to the Constitution.

As you know the Constitution of the club needs to be reviewed at least once every three years (Para 12.3). This is now due and the Committee has decided to recommend the following change to ensure proper structure to motions submitted at future AGM’s:-

Para 16.1.3 of the Constitution reads (in relation to AGM proceedings):-  Business shall be conducted in the following order:

•Notice convening the meeting



•Chairman’s Report

•Treasurer’s Report

•Motions submitted

                *Section below under the heading Motions Submitted to be added*

•Election of Committee

Motions Submitted:

                All Motions need to be received in writing by the secretary at least 14 days before the Annual General Meeting

                Such Motions need to have a proposer and a seconder who should both be club members in good standing

                The proposer should write the proposal under the heading “Proposal” and the motivation for such proposal under the heading “Motivation”

                The proposer will be given the opportunity to speak to the Proposal at the meeting

                The Motion will be voted on at the meeting

This proposed change will be voted on at the meeting by a show of hands, as required by paragraph 23 of the Constitution.

David ffoulkes

Committee: Vice Chairperson/ Clubs Africa/ Membership/ Ride Captain

Joined: 2017/03/13

Thank you for the announcement David and for attending to this vital aspect for the club


Committee: Secretary/ Ride Leader