Open Invite to join Charley Boorman at GS Africa, Green Point, Cape Town on 10 October

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Paul@GS Africa's picture
Joined: 2007/06/19

You're Invited! 

Join us for the exciting launch of GS MOTORCYCLE SALES!

Guest appearance by CHARLEY BOORMAN! Charley will be with us on the night to answer questions about his most recent African tour, his mishaps and other adventures. Have you heard the news about 'Long Way Up?!

The opening of our pre-loved sales division deserves a celebration! Join us for a beer and view our range of bikes for sale.


Win A Bike (raffle tickets at R2,000 each) - please see attachments below for venue address, time, etc.

Be sure to RSVP for the event - we will need to know how much beer to buy! Email your name and number of guests to


GS Sales Launch pdf.pdf333.41 KB
Paul@GS Africa's picture
Joined: 2007/06/19

Announcement from GS Motorcycle Sales re Launch event 10 October 2018

We are sad to announce, due to circumstances beyond our control, that Charley Boorman, our

guest of honour at our sales launch event is no longer able to join us next Wednesday evening.

Charley had a little accident while on his annual SA tour from Cape Town via Victoria Falls en

route back to Cape Town (10,000 km’s and 38 days). He broke his wrist and also suffered a few

broken ribs. He was due to arrive in Cape Town on Tuesday 9 October but unfortunately, due to

the accident & the necessary surgery on his wrist, his doctors at the very best Bloemfontein

hospital he is in, have advised that he cannot travel. The good news is that he is recovering


Billy Ward, Charley’s right hand man, friend, confidante and adventurer of note in his own right

WILL be with us to share the ins and outs of the current African adventure trip as well as chat

about his recent ride across Iraq to the Mosul Frontline with the one and only Claudio von

Planta (Charley’s Long Way Round camera man).

Regardless, the show will go on and we still look forward to seeing you - the bikes ready to be

sold, beers cold, the food truck, the music, lucky draw prizes - all to celebrate the opening of GS

Motorcycle Sales.

We can all raise our glass to Charley and wish him a speedy recovery.

Doors open from 5H30pm on Wednesday 10 October, 1 Rawbone Street or 126 De

Waterkant Street, Greenpoint. Please park in Waterkant Str/De Smidt Street/Jarvis Str