New to South Africa and new to BMW

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Joined: 2018/01/09

Hi, looking forward to meeting some new biking friends, having left a few behind in Austria. I’m also keen to get involved in some of the training events to polish up some skills, especially ‘off road’which is completely new to me. I hope to take delivery of my 1200GS (not new but looks like new

Les Milner

Jacques Botha R66's picture
Joined: 2012/10/02

Hi Les.

Welcome to the forum. Keep yourself updated on this forum cause this if where you will get all the news.

A bit slow now after the festive season. We meet every last Wednesday of the month at the Parow Bowls club in Parow. You will get details on this site or phone me on zero 82 five1five 0092 for directions. Will gladly assist.

Jacques BOTHA