New member - Max

2 replies [Last post]
Joined: 2019/01/10

Hi everyone!

Complete novice rider here based in Milnerton while the bike is parked at work in Rondebosch - I own a G310 GS.

I generally take it easy and at any chance given, take the bike and ride around the block and practice the fundamentals. I watch MCRider and MotoJitsu a lot on Youtube.

Got the bike for leisure/adventure and not commuting. Looking forward to improving my confidence and skills.

I look forward to this community, breakfast runs and training days :)

Safe and fun ride. ATGATT.

Kind regards,


zebra's picture
Joined: 2008/03/28

Welcome, Max, safe riding, and great that you are keen to learn - the Club is very helpful in that regard...


Froggy's picture
Joined: 2014/01/15

Welcome to the club Max.

You should definitely arrange to go on one of the club training days.


Good luck and safe riding.

