Nelson's Creek Mystery Ride 2008

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The route was done once again this week, actually it was done twice. :) Just to stunning to only do it once. ;) "Everything" is now in place for this ride. Even multiple prizes!!!! Dave even asked that we prepare for more people to do this ride. Remember the riders registration and brief for this ride is on FRIDAY night at Nelson's Creek. Only another 14 "sleepies" then you will get to experience the "MYSTERY RIDE". Until then I am not allowed to tell you "much" more.
JohandeJager's picture
Joined: 2007/10/03
Mooi man !!! Kan nie meer wag vir Vrydagaand se "langarm sokkie" op die ritme van Robbie Wessels se "selftan lotion werk beter as room"...he he !!!! Gaan lekker wees om al die BMW MANNE & DAMES, weer te sien. Keep it SAFE !!!

Johan de Jager "It's all about the ride, nothing else"