
11 replies [Last post]
The club has been growing at a frantic pace. This also means that at every meeting and every breakfast run there are “new” faces. Unfortunately I am one of those people that struggle to remember so many names. There have been many suggestions and requests for nametags. This is an open invitation to our many members and guests to help us. Who of you have experience with nametags? Who has experience with different types of tags – permanent metal versus plastic versus ???? Also are there people in the club that can assist with the manufacture of such badges? Lets get some ideas going here. As soon as enough information is known we can then make an informed decision. THANKS in advance for the help.
JohandeJager's picture
Joined: 2007/10/03
I personally am against the name tags idea, especially the metal ones....I just do not like the look of it, not to mention that fact that to try and get this onto a proper BMW jacket is impossible, you just can't get it through the material. We have got the shirts with our names on it alrady on it's way.... This is just my opinion and I understand the some people will feel that they would like to see these tags. Keep it SAFE !!

Johan de Jager "It's all about the ride, nothing else"

Padlangs (not verified)
I hear you Johan. I have ordered three shirts. However, I am not sure I want to wear the same shirt to every BMW function. Also depending on the weather the shirt might be covered. Obviously the tags would be worn voluntarily. Let's first get some more info on types of badges. Then lets see where this thread goes.
JohandeJager's picture
Joined: 2007/10/03
Thnx Padlangs. Keep it SAFE !!

Johan de Jager "It's all about the ride, nothing else"

ckloppers (not verified)
When will we get the club shirts? They have names on? Corné Kloppers 0849130391
JohandeJager's picture
Joined: 2007/10/03
Corne, Club shirts - you will have to speak to Geoff Russel about this as he organised this all; Keep it SAFE !!

Johan de Jager "It's all about the ride, nothing else"

JohandeJager's picture
Joined: 2007/10/03
Charles - can we not get this on the website as a poll asking the questions: Do you think the club needs to have jackets and name badges made up for it's members? Do you think the time has come to upgrade/change the current club logo? Surely this will give us an idea on this matter; at least we will have some idea come the next members meeting? We will have to make this poll available to club members only. Keep it SAFE !!

Johan de Jager "It's all about the ride, nothing else"

Joined: 2007/06/19
Thanks Padlangs for putting it on the forum. I don't think we need metal tags, but a standard format in a plastic holder with a clip that can attach to a pocket or collar without doing damage. The logo could be on top with the first name or nom-de-plume in large letters with surname etc and other info in small letters, eg cell phone no. Details as per the individuals choice. It would certainly help to call people by their names instead of "er-umm" when you can't remember, and would also assist in getting to remember without asking a person's name for the 10th time!!!!!
Padlangs (not verified)
Johan, when I joined JR for the Warmwaterberg trip I did learn a lot. It is a relatively small group (at a time) that goes on these off road weekends - thus by breakfast most people know each other. This is actually very nice. A typical breakfast run has about 20 to 40 people, with very little time to get to know the new ones. What I am getting at, is those that want to use a tag at a breakfast run (or even a club braai) would then have an option to do it. It would help if more of the "regular" breakfast crowd would voice their opinion here. Let's hear from you ....
Joined: 2007/06/25
Padlangs and James, I have been advised that as one matures in life the short term memory becomes a problem, does this apply here? Bum in the saddle, always.

Think before you ink.

Trust is the most valuable asset.

I have the rest of my life to get old.

Padlangs (not verified)
Cheezy, did you mean James and NIEL? Remember I am not even old enough to join Ulysis. :)
Joined: 2007/06/25
Padlangs, If your memory has a short span then you are old enough. Bum in the saddle, always.

Think before you ink.

Trust is the most valuable asset.

I have the rest of my life to get old.