Mpumalanga - 6 days of tortuous pass filming!

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Trygve Roberts's picture
Joined: 2014/06/12

This is the half-tunnel on Kowyns Pass near Graskop. The tarred road is so badly potholed that local authorities have taken to filling the potholes with gravel. That should last at least until the next rain-shower! Bikers beware!!!

In our news release today we give a brief account of our 6 day filming trip through the province and touch on some of the highlights (and lowlights).

We cover some interesting passes like Mariepskop, Bulembu, Casper's Nek, Clivia and Diepgezet, so this news release has plenty of info. As usual the relevant pages are open to all BMW Club members until Sunday. Enjoy the long weekend - and ride safely....

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Trygve (Robby) Roberts
Mobile 083 658 8888