Mountain Passes Latest News

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Trygve Roberts's picture
Joined: 2014/06/12

Lundin's Nek under a dusting of snow

In our news release this week we have one of those must read stories that will make you squirm with embarrassment. Read the story of Colin Cooper (64) and his daughter Bianca (33) who rode the Ben 10 Eco Challenge on home made steel bicycles with one gear and back pedal brakes. They had no vehicle back up and no fancy dietary supplements. They completed the event on a budget of R20 a day - all in the name of charity. It's a great feel good story.

Passes in the George area have been closed due to the fires. Robinson and Outeniqua passes have been reopened this week but Montagu Pass is still closed (at time of writing). Fires are still burning at De Vlugt, so Prince Alfred's Pass is best avoided for the next few days.

For those who own a 4x4 and a BMW bike, we have a serious tour coming up in March which might have appeal to you. take the link below for more details.

Our featured pass this week is the Pietersfontein Pass. You can review the pass, the rich history and watch the video and decide whether to add it to your bucket list.

The page will be open for one week from today:,-2018.html

Trygve (Robby) Roberts
Mobile 083 658 8888