Motorcycle weekend

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The weekend of 15, 16, 17 December is a going to be a biker festival! On Saturday 15 December - 8 hour motorcycle enduro at Killarney. Atlantic Motorrad (the biggest sponsor for our backup trailer) will enter two bikes in this event. Come support our biggest sponsor. :) Sunday 16 December - KOO Valley ride. This promises to be a stunning ride. With an extra little surprize to make Niel's day on the return trip. :) Monday 17 December (public holiday) - ALL bike day at Killarney, starting at 10:00. Geelkameel will also be taking some people to Ceres (not sure of his dates). only ONE way to start preparing yourselves - join the Robertson ride this Sunday. :)
JohandeJager's picture
Joined: 2007/10/03
Will be at Killarney supporting the manne from Atlantic as well as on the KOO Valley ride. Keep it SAFE !!

Johan de Jager "It's all about the ride, nothing else"

Neil Terry's picture
Joined: 2007/07/01
Padlangs only 8 more sleeps to my surprise!! Are you and Greta along tomorrow- Robertson ,Jane and I hope so!