Lubing Topbox Lock Mechanism

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SauRoN's picture
Joined: 2016/07/14

I find that my top box lock mechanism gets a bit finicky after riding in the rain.

Not so much the key turning ability but rather pressing the button to pop the lock gets very tight.


In the past I've been told Q40 is not a good option for lubing this up, which I believe would solve the problem, so I figured I'd ask what is recommended instead?

Jacques Botha R66's picture
Joined: 2012/10/02

A product called WD40 is the best I can suggest. Been using it for ages. Sold at most hardware stores.


SauRoN's picture
Joined: 2016/07/14

I was under the impression Q20 and WD40 are the same thing from different brands?


If so I might as well just use the Q20 I already have.

Jacques Botha R66's picture
Joined: 2012/10/02

I googled the 2 products some years ago and on advice on this forum, I changed to WD40 and been using it ever since. Don't think anything wrong with Q20. Just my personal choice.
