Lowering a seat

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Surprise, surprise, I thought the forum was dead and buried, how wrong can one be! Glad to see! Friend of mine has a bike that is about 5 cm to high for him and would like to modify the seat by removing some of the padding so his little legs can do their work. Does anyone know of a place that can do a neat job for him? BTW its not a BMW!
Freakonaleash's picture
Joined: 2007/06/19
Call Dinesh @ Dinesh Auto Trimmers 082 873 2707 He does the seats and trimming for the BMW cars and the Minis as well as Auto Atlantic Motorcycles. I RIDE THEREFORE I AM!
Andyman's picture
Joined: 2007/06/22
I saw a spunky short young lass on Saturday on a F650GS, same problem of being short. Donford had lowered her suspension and she had compensated further by wearing HIGH heals. As in HIGH HIGH heels & soles. For the heels go to Mr Price, Claremont...... he he he he... Andyman Yup that's me. Standing up in the traffic on the 1150GSA.

Anyone can ride a bike fast....   But can you ride your bike real slow???

Don Jones's picture
Joined: 2007/07/02
That spunky lass was my daughter, so leave her alone........just kidding Andy, but I am interested in the high heels from Mr Price's, as my feet also don't quite touch the ground anymore. Donald Own a GS and never run out of road.
Padlangs (not verified)
Why did Donford lower HER suspension? Would it not make more sense to lower the suspension on her BIKE? :)
Freakonaleash's picture
Joined: 2007/06/19
Low suspension F650GSs are available from the factory at no extra cost , a limited amount of these bikes are brought in every year. A batch of lowered F800s are arriving shortly. I RIDE THEREFORE I AM!
feelgood (not verified)
lower the tyre pressures....lol