Lower Seat - BMW 650/850 2010 model - Wife is little uncomfortable

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hambalala's picture
Joined: 2011/09/11

Any assistance / advice...My wife used to ride a 2006 BMW 650, with lowered seat.  She has a BMW 2010 650/850, but it's an inch too high for her and cause her to perch on toes, making her unstable....


Pleas if the wise have some advice ....WHAT CAN WE DO TO GET AN INCH off


zebra's picture
Joined: 2008/03/28

we can have your seat re-shaped, and recovered, professionally, affordably.

we have done quite a number of them, and have even created some 'comfort' seats...

Here are some Gumtree PICTURES: http://adf.ly/1N7a3C


Chris & Team