Loose mirror

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Q's picture
Joined: 2015/11/12

Hi All

On my 2007 F650GS, the right hand mirror moves out of place when I go around 100Km or in gusty wind. (The mirror on the ball joint, not the arm).

Looking around on the internet seems like it is not a thing that can be adjusted/repaired?

Some people even suggest just gluing the mirror in place, which is not an option for me as I adjust the mirror up when I go meerkat.

So before I go buy a new set of mirrors, any of you have some ideas?

And if I have to go buy mirrors, which would you suggest?


“First you get the feeling, then you figure out why.” ― Robert M. Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Zanie's picture
Joined: 2013/11/21

I buy cheapies from Kingtek, because I tend to go through mirrors. About R100 per mirror and R50 per adaptor (to fit to where the originals attach on the combination switch). Usually in a fall only the adaptors snap. Then it's just R50 to repair. Only problem: they have a large blind spot when compared to the originals, but that's what neck-muscles are for. Original mirrors cost close to R700-R800 last time I checked?

At one point I had a case where my mirror acted as a sail and gradually moved the entire combination switch (including mirror, switches and lever) thanks to a loose pinch-bolt, but that's on the opposite end of your problem. I would end up with the front brake lever jammed against my Barkbuster as the lever travelled skywards!

Charles Oertel's picture
Joined: 2007/04/14

You can pry the mirror off, using a knife, screwdriver and patience (there is a seam in the plastic around the edge of the mirror, where a plastic holding ring goes in to the main body - this is what you need to work loose).

Once the mirror is out, you will see that the mechanism inside is a short, strong spring against a curved metal plate and ball.  Usually, you just need to clean it out, regrease it, and tighten the nut to increase the tension on the spring.  Don't overdo the lubrication (I think I eventually just removed it all.

Replace the ring with some glue (hot glue might be the answer, then you can open the mirror up again in future with a heat gun).


Committee: Webmaster / Ride Captain

Q's picture
Joined: 2015/11/12

Thanks Charles

Before posting here last week, I have been playing with the mirror by turning it all over the place trying to figure out how to open it.

This must have remove some dirt that was in there. This weekend it was all fine again.

But now I know how to open it if I have too.


“First you get the feeling, then you figure out why.” ― Robert M. Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance