
Eric Pretorius's picture

Solo Sojourns

Some think it folly, others madness, even dangerous and few are in agreement, to take long bike trips by oneself is the ultimate riding experience.

Is it not lonely, boring or intimidating are often the responses to hearing about such a trip?  Well it is actually wonderfully selfish.  You go, start and stop when or wherever you want.  Travel at a speed that suites yourself.  The Route can be changed on a whim and places explored without considering anybody else.

RUSTY- Russ Rathbone's picture

2011 October -- Our Great African Eastern Cape Adventure in the Drakensberg Mountains..


2011 October -- Our Great African Eastern Cape Adventure in the Drakensberg Mountains.


What makes a "good" dual sport adventure "GREAT"?

And why is it always about the group of people with their individual  characters and group dynamics that always seem to make these rides so.........."lakka"?

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