Touws River

Why do we ride? Why do we breathe?

Why do we ride? Why do we breathe?

As they say, I am the one who has the guts, the stupid one, the third wheel…I am the pillion also known as Paparazzi.

10 Passes, 1 Day Circus


we are a group of friends that does short breakfast runs on Sunday mornings, we are the Old Timers...still sparking after all these years.

We started our trip this morning 7:00 with one rule…you are responsible for the rider behind you

We decided on an extended breakfast run for a change, not having an idea what we let ourselves in for, we even made t-shits for the trip. Let’s do a 10 passes trip they said, it will be fun they said. If only we knew.

Jacques Botha R66's picture

ALL TAR ROADIES TRIP: 22-24/02/2013

Hi All,

As previously said, please forgive my spelling and tenses. I grew up in the Kalahari where we started crying and went into hiding when the Engelse came to visit us. Charles, please help us Afrikaanse ouens with an English spell and grammar check on this forum. I want to run away when I must write something on the forum.

Ag wat, let me try.

We had a nice all tar trip over the past weekend. 22-24/02/2013.

Botswana: the short way up: first leg of 20 days

the first leg of our 20 day road trip: Cape Town to Marken

The short way up: Botswana 5369

20 day road trip adventure


Trip manifesto

We have to have fun up to the last minute – our holiday is not over until we ride into the garage

We will explore new roads and new town, meet new people and see new things along the way

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