Kromrivier, Craft Beer & Cold Weather

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Trygve Roberts's picture
Joined: 2014/06/12

Laraghs on Hogsback. One of many mountain retreats to get away from it all and play in the snow.

Each Thursday we feature a pass somewhere in South Africa and at the same time dabble in current events and happenings. This week we take a closer look at the big storm that has seen plenty of rain, snow and icy temperatures clean across South Africa. Our featured pass is in the heart of the Cederberg, where once down the pass we unpack the latest trends at the once old-fashioned Cederberg Tourist Park - a favourite haunt of hikers and rock climbers and the hardier camping types.

The Nieuwoudt name is synonymous with the Cederberg and a new generation of enterprising Niewoudts are changing the face of the area. Besides Dawid Nieuwoudt's award winning shiraz wines at Dwarsrivier, the other cousins have revamped the facilities at nearby Kromrivier. If you haven't visited in the last year or so, do yourself a favour and head down there for the day. It's especially nice in winter; the food is wholesome and tasty and their craft beer (brewed on the farm) is a winner.

Here's the link and it remains open to BMW Club members till Sunday:

Trygve (Robby) Roberts
Mobile 083 658 8888