Kleinplaas - Annual Tour

14 replies [Last post]
The detail about the annual tour has now been made available, see the following section of the site for information: http://bmwmotorcycleclubcape.co.za/newsletters/annual-tour-oudtshoorn-kl... Within 24 hours the first 33 places were booked!!! This promises to be a stunning weekend, with excellent rides on Saturday.
Padlangs (not verified)
Kleinplaas is almost 50% sold out!!! At this rate some club members are going to miss out. Book quickly to avoid dissapointment. :)
Padlangs (not verified)
Update on the annual tour. About 70% of the schaletts are sold out !!!! Dave has already booked the DJ. This promises to be a stunning tour, with unforgettable day rides. Dave expects most of the remaining places to be booked by the end of September - gou spring !!
Geoff Russell (not verified)
I will take The Off Road guys to Die Hell on the Saturday and have lunch there. I have an exiting ride up planned as well. Should be great!
Peer's picture
Joined: 2007/06/18
This is a must for the newer club members or new BMW bikers. Apart from the pool where you can just chill and get rid of whatever ....over, the people that usually go on this weekend are so nice! So book, and get it over with. Its at the start of the silly season so don't make any other arrangements yet. Don't waste space - live on the edge

Don't waste space - live on the edge

Padlangs (not verified)
Yes, Peer, I can not forget Kobie's face last year at Plett. It was his first ever motorcycle tour. He was told that this is a "calm group", but in the back of his mind he was stil worried about the typical scenes from "other" biker festivals. On the Saturday morning he could not stop talking about how good this group behaved, eventually he made the following statement: "One could even bring your wife here, the group is so well behaved." And this after he spent Friday night at the party at no. 19 - where a certain gentleman (?) even made pasionate love to his RT. (NO names) :) Needless to say, Kobie has already booked for this years annual tour.
Padlangs (not verified)
And it keeps on getting better!!! Dave sent out an email indicating the costs for breakfast (buffet) and a 3 course meal for Saturday night. Here are answers to some of the more regular questions: Friday night: There will be a bring and braai (for those that dont want to invade the local restaurants). We can just raid the local butcher or Spar for something to put on the braai grill. Breakfast: Those that do not eat breakfast, no problem. Only those that go to the breakfast, pay for breakfast. Saturday lunch: Depending on your ride we will have lunch at different locations. I believe some of the tar riders will be supporting the Lazy Lizzard in Prins Albert.
Padlangs (not verified)
Just 2 weeks till the annual tour. :) :) :) Dave needs to finalise the arrangments! There are 2 schallets that are not booked, yet. Later this week Dave will have to cancel these, to avaoid penalty payments. :( If you want to come along, contact Dave urgently - 021 417 4766 The back up vehicle is arranged.
Zapman's picture
Joined: 2007/07/12
If there are any places left, are non paid up blokes allowed to go along? I will be back in SA by then and this sounds like a great trip. Zapman Cape Town South Africa (Right now running around in Soyo Angola) 03 KL1200LT
Padlangs (not verified)
Hi Zapman, contact Dave directly to work this out. You should be able to send a PM to Freakonaleash - he works with Dave. At some point Dave will cancel "open" rooms - if these rooms are not payed for the club must carry the cost. By yesterday there were only two open rooms.
Zapman's picture
Joined: 2007/07/12
Thanks Padlangs I have contacted Dave and me and the Government are now booked for this trip. Zapman Cape Town South Africa (Right now running around in Soyo Angola) 03 KL1200LT
Zapman's picture
Joined: 2007/07/12
Has anybody got any GPS coordinates for Kleinplasie that they could share? Can't find it with Mapsource or on the Internet Zapman Cape Town South Africa (Back in Strand for two weeks) 03 KL1200LT
Andyman's picture
Joined: 2007/06/22
Hi Zapman, great to see you n the missus will be joining the tour with "the truck". It looks like being another great tour. See you on the road....... Andyman Yup that's me. Standing up in the traffic on the 1150GSA.

Anyone can ride a bike fast....   But can you ride your bike real slow???

Charles Oertel's picture
Joined: 2007/04/14
A Call for Help One of our members, Peter Jones, is all dressed up and ready to go on the Kleinplaas ride, but his bike is not co-operating and the spares will not be here in time for the weekend. He asks whether anybody would see fit to lend him a bike for the trip. He usually rides a K100 and an R100, and has never fallen in his '''43''' years of riding. He is taking a pillion on the '''on-road''' route. Dave suggested he post this request on the forum. Please contact him urgently on 084 594 9494 or 021 552 7851 (h) if you are able to help. Website Administrator

Committee: Webmaster / Ride Captain

Padlangs (not verified)
Dave has also asked that those that want to attend the Friday night braai please contact him on arrival at Kleinplasie - he needs to finalize the logistics for the braai. Remember this is a "bring-n-braai", bring your own dop-en-tjop. Dave needs numbers for cutlery and the like. It promises to be a stunning party. The management at Kleinplasie has requested that those that want to swim must please bring their own towels. Apparently the towels gets lost once it is taken out of the bungalos. The weather forecast shows some cloud cover - but temperatures in the 30's.