Jurg se Kaya : Very bad news for all that have been there with the Club and otherwise.

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Geoff Russell's picture
Joined: 2007/09/25

I received some very bad news about Jurg se Kaya today.

I am sure all that have had the pleasure of visiting this "iconic" place on the West coast about 45kms from Groen rivier will feel the same as I do.

The area around Jurg se Kaya has been given to a concession holder in order that they may look for diamonds in the sea. Jurg se Kaya is therefore no longer accessible.

I am in the process of arranging another Tour to take the Place of the Annual Jurg se Kaya Tour later this month.

Committee: Ride Captain

Charles Oertel's picture
Joined: 2007/04/14

Sad news indeed.  So much for conservation of the area...

Committee: Webmaster / Ride Captain

Kevin Charleston's picture
Joined: 2011/09/09

Sad, but not entirely unexpected. 

Jurg was essentially a squatter, and as far as I understand had received many notices of eviction/demolition. The writing was on the corrugated-iron wall.  

Perhaps, with Kreef being on the SASSA red list too, it was time for a change anyway. 




Joined: 2015/06/15

Jurg moet sy Kaya maar op 'n ander plek maak dan kan die toer nog gebeur..........

Committee: Treasurer/ Ride Captain

ArnoR's picture
Joined: 2007/06/21

Yes, and everyone is also asking how the MSR Tormin mine got their permits for mining ON THE BEACH. Since they are there, some of the routes against the coast is now also no longer accessible. Seems that the correct bribe still open doors.  

Charles Oertel's picture
Joined: 2007/04/14

Ja, funny how a bit of crayfishing and camping is unacceptable, while wholesale destruction of the environment (plants and fish) is just business as usual.

Committee: Webmaster / Ride Captain

Jacques Botha R66's picture
Joined: 2012/10/02

Read Jacques PAUW'S book and you will probably understand how it is possible.

Amazing what money can buy.