IFRD 2019 : 4 May 2019

Anna-Marie's picture

International Female Ride Day© (IFRD) is celebrated annually worldwide on the first Saturday of May. The day celebrates women motorcycle riders and is not country, group or organization specific. It is a globally synchronized “JUST RIDE!”© day, for women. Vicki Gray created IFRD for all women individually, in groups and collectively everywhere. Women make International Female Ride Day© their day to “JUST RIDE!”© doing what they can to promote and highlight women riders while making a positive difference for women in motorcycling everywhere. Every woman riding on IFRD is a role model for the diverse, unique and common passion women share for motorcycling.

The day has occurred for well over a decade, with the first IFRD gatherings in 2007. It is an all brands and all styles of motorcycling happening, and extends across all borders and cultures the world over.

IFRD is created and owned by Vicki Gray.  It has been occurring for well over a decade and continues to grow its strength from ride to ride.

“IFRD provides a platform for women motorcycle riders to bond with other women, to meet and find like-minded women who ride and develop friendships with which to enjoy motorcycling!” – Vicki Gray

No one manufacturer, motorcycle brand, government, NGO, charity, corporation, academic institution, women’s network or media hub is solely responsible for International Female Ride Day©. It is the ownership of creator Vicki Gray with an action belonging to women riding any style, any make/model of motorcycle – in any culture or country. Many organizations, manufacturers, dealerships and individuals declare the IFRD theme of “JUST RIDE!”©

This is your invitation to join on this 13th IFRD:

Date: 4 May 2019

Meeting place: Anura Vineyards

Time: 08:45 - 10:00 (Coffee & Toasted sandwiches) 

Cost: Own account

We will ride in a group, those that would like to join after the photoshoot with Ladybikerssa, to an venue that's not visited before. Just a hint: if you like classic bikes and old stuff, join the ride.  This will be an ALL TAR ride, for LADIES ONLY smiley 

Kms on the day: ±200 kms

Bring along your lady friends on other brands and/or in their 4wheeled vechiles if they would like to join in the #Let's Ride# fun and celebrations. Light lunch/drinks facilities is available at the final destination.

Please contact me for any further details and if you are interested, please book with at: 082 8991169 or abwmeraai@gmail.com

Final figures to be confirmed: 2 May 2019

This ride will be weather permitted.

#Let's Ride#