How about a practical skills training day

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Neil Terry's picture
Joined: 2007/07/01
How about a training day where we practice skills such as : towing a bike, patching a tube, fitting a tyre, picking up a bike, jump-starting,etc. A day where we actually do things ourselves, under guidance. This being complementary to the workshop days. Additional topics welcome,please suggest. Also a GPS for Dummies Day ???
Charles Oertel's picture
Joined: 2007/04/14
But Neil Almost every off-road trip is like this. On one I got to practice towing Andy out of a spot of bother, on another I witnessed Geoff repair 3 punctures, on yet another I watched the guys take off a front tyre, splint a leg and rescue a lost girl. What more do you want!!! ;-) But a nice idea. Perhaps a bit difficult to organize and easier for each person to do bit by bit over time using guides such as your 'Breaking a Bead' one. Whenever somebody such as yourself or Andy does such a task, make a photo-essay of it and post it up as a 'how-to'. Then when others need to do them they look up how and give it a go, and call a friend if they hit problems.

Committee: Webmaster / Ride Captain

Neil Terry's picture
Joined: 2007/07/01
I think you are right;I just can`t help thinking that a little practical exposure in advance would`nt be amiss. I did Baviaans on my own not having the faintest clue about "what to do /what not to do if you drop your bike in water."I was fortunate, I`ve only found out the do`s and dont`s accidently by overhearing someone at the club meeting.
TvN's picture
Joined: 2007/07/05
Think this is a great idea! Both the GPS for dummies and the practical skills day. Would love to be able to fit a tyre without having to ask for help!!
Hermanator's picture
Joined: 2007/06/25
Water in the engine, repairing a chain and wheel maintenance (including checking and tightening spokes)are other topics which should be covered Lawrence Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safetly in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadsides, loudly proclaiming WOW, What a RIDE!
JohandeJager's picture
Joined: 2007/10/03
Neil - why not add some of these topics to the workshop day list? Keep it SAFE !!

Johan de Jager "It's all about the ride, nothing else"

Neil Terry's picture
Joined: 2007/07/01
Johan, I don`t recall my list, however in the workshop it will most likely be more of a theory session, an awakening to part names,methods etc. A vital start,and this initial input must be from one who knows but due to time constraints and numbers,not too much hands-on,also not all will wish to, going by my past experience,and understandbly so as some ride only on tar. It may just be my mentality but I first need to hear about it then try it then only feel more at ease with it.
Padlangs (not verified)
Neil, your last statement is so TRUE - unfortunately. ON ROAD I have seen a number of puncture. Even helped a few guys out. Yes things are more likely to go wrong off-road (the bikes just work so much harder), but even on the tar things happen!! And dont tell me about Roadside assist! They are NO GOOD - WHEN YOU ARE OUTSIDE CELL RANGE!!!
Neil Terry's picture
Joined: 2007/07/01
Well Johan and Geoff put together the GPS evenings (and I paid and missed!) If there is interest, we can do a towing and/or other, morning.
rynet's picture
Joined: 2008/03/17
Yes please Neil that is a good idea , I'm sure I speak on behalf of most of the ladies, but a workshop on towing, jump - starting a bike , fixing minor repairs and punctures etc , as well as a run down on what tool is used for what job, would be very much appreciated and well attended. :) ''"4 wheels move the body,'' ''2 wheels move the soul"''
Joined: 2008/07/15
Niel re-reading the thread I thought back to last year in Sutherland - at the observatory a gent needed to jump start his bike. TOO late he realised that his own jumper leads were cable tied to keep it neat under the seat - with NO way of undoing the cable ties ..... Unfortunately "seeing/hearing" is just the first step. A practical session where each one actual practice these techniques DOES have merits.
Neil Terry's picture
Joined: 2007/07/01
Yes, the practical is where I learn that my theory was incorrect!:-)....You find the same?:-)
Joined: 2008/07/15
Niel I have "heard" how to repair a puntured tire - NO demo or training. Had the kit under the seat when I passed another rider stuck outside Hermanus with a puncture. I wipped out the goodies and fixed the flat - only mentioned that I have NEVER done this before by the time the tire was back up to pressure .... :) Gues if you have to "practice", you might as well use another persons bike ..... Jokes aside - this actually happened !!!! Niel although I have jump started so many cars I have NO idea how to do this on a bike. My normal jumper leads will never fit on the small battery connectors of a bike ..... How many people here can set the tension on a bike chain - how many of this group knows how to check the rear tire is actually "facing forward" (not running to either side) ???
PeterO's picture
Joined: 2007/09/11
Neil, how about combining the session with a "clinic" where the ladies' bikes (and others who don't do maintenance jobs on their own bikes) can get their bikes checked by those of us who have at least some technical knowledge? I've found some of the bikes with slack accelerator/clutch control cables, chains so tight the bike almost bends when going over a bump and other bits and pieces that take almost no effort to fix. Small things that can make quite a difference to the ride. ''If you can dream it you can do it!''

If you can dream it you can do it!