Hit and Run

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Lawrence, aka Hermanator, was the victim of a hit and run accident. Does anybody have updated info on his condition??
Andyman's picture
Joined: 2007/06/22
No, does anyone have a number to call him on? Any details? Andyman Yup that's me. Standing up in the traffic on the 1150GSA.

Anyone can ride a bike fast....   But can you ride your bike real slow???

Hermanator's picture
Joined: 2007/06/25
Hi guys, Just got a phone call from Dave, thanks, that's very kind. On Friday evening, at 17h50, on my way home, I was taken out by the driver of a silver Audi A3. I had turned onto the Foreshore off Heerengracht and was in the centre of three lanes. A BMW was on my right. Slightly behind me and, in the left lane, the Audi. As I got next to the Audi, without warning, indication or nought, she turned into me. It was literaly a second and she was there. I got bounced off the bike, landing (I think) on my elbow, followed by my shoulder and helmet. I was doing about 60kph and, having been bounced off the bike, covered the rest of my journey in a series of bounces and rolls. The road is incredibly hard and the beating seems relentless. The agony started in my legs and eventually, about a dozen rolls later I finally came to rest. That was the worst. Lying in the road, I saw how the Audi hadn't stopped and how my bike eventually came apart from the Audi and rolled into the pavment about 400 meters away. I was fortunate that the chap in the BMW stopped in line with me, forcing the traffic to go around. Another witness chased after the Audi and was just in time to see the car leaving the lights at Oswald Pirow and, identify the driver as a young white woman. The armour in my Belstaff jacket worked perfectly, apart from that in my left elbow which moved, causing the bone to come in contact with the tar. I had an operation on Friday evening (under local) to clean and dress the wound. My jacket is in shreds and my armoured trousers have quite a tear in them. Suffice to say, I have bruises on my hips and legs but no road rash, testament to the design of quality protective riding gear. My right foot is heavily bruised and I have sprained that ankle. And apart from some other aches and pains, am extremely thankful to my riding gear. Friends have been extremely kind and considerate and I'm grateful to them and all those who have sent messages. This has been quite an experience and the vivid image of the bouncing and the acuteness of the pain interupt my sleep at night. The fright I gave my wife, Theresa, is not something I would ever want to do again. The driver of the Audi should be arrested shortly and charges laid against her. I feel nothing for the driver and hope this destroys her life, livelihood and family, just as she sought to destroy my life. Once again, thanks for the kind thoughts and messages. Cheers Lawrence
Charles Oertel's picture
Joined: 2007/04/14
Hi Lawrence Our thoughts are with you, and we hope you get well soon. I know how you feel emotionally - my son was knocked of his Vespa a few weeks ago and though he was not harmed, the car just sped off. Unfortunately no witnesses so no prosecution and complete powerlessness. How is the bike? regards Charles

Committee: Webmaster / Ride Captain

Freakonaleash's picture
Joined: 2007/06/19
Hi Herman Glad you are ok! I have done the earth sky earth sky ambulance a few times so I know the aches and pains all too well, if you need anything dont hesitate to call. Geez some okes will do almost anything to upgrade from a Vstrom to a R1200GS. I RIDE THEREFORE I AM!