HELP! Someone to fetch instrument cluster from Plattekloof and deliver at Kingtek (Retreat) today... (SORTED)

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Zanie's picture
Joined: 2013/11/21

So my instrument cluster is the first that this electronics company (who fixes stuff from Donford) cannot fix. It will still semi-work (as it has done for the past couple of months), but I need to get it back from Plattekloof to Kingtek (Retreat), where my bike's currently sitting minus its instrument cluster.

I am leaving for a 4-day trip tomorrow and have to be at Malmesbury tomorrow by 7am, so I need to get my instrument cluster installed today. The electronic company's courier will only get the cluster to Kingtek tomorrow mid-morning...

Is there anyone out there who is able to assist by picking up the instrument cluster in Plattekloof and delivering it at Kingtek? Please contact me if that's the case. Number: oh 7 two forty-six 13 7 96.

Zanie's picture
Joined: 2013/11/21

A big !THANKS! to David Ffoulkes, my hero for the day yes

Joined: 2007/06/25

Only for a day?surprise You owe him big time.

Think before you ink.

Trust is the most valuable asset.

I have the rest of my life to get old.

Zanie's picture
Joined: 2013/11/21

How about hero of the year wink

I definite owe him a beer, or 10, or 100...

Jacques Botha R66's picture
Joined: 2012/10/02

Give that oak a BELLS. X2