Garmin zumo 500

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fugitive's picture
Joined: 2014/10/28

Hi. I have the chance to buy a Garmin zumo 500 for R2500. I don't know much about this navigation module, does anyone have an opinion on this and is it worthwhile. I know it is a 2007 model which makes it quite old but is it worthwhile for this price? Other GPS products are so expensive. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks. 

Fugitive172 (Brian Leary)

Andyman's picture
Joined: 2007/06/22

Brian, The Zumo 500 is a great GPS and at that price its worth looking at.


Its =limitations are that it can only store 500 waypoints in memory.

If you accumulate waypoints this becomes frustrating.

It is glove friendly and reliable.

Bluetooth connects easily and great for use with phone and music.

waterproof, robust.

You will also find  on the wild dog and this forum people with mounts and fittings.


Anyone can ride a bike fast....   But can you ride your bike real slow???

Joined: 2012/01/13
Charles Oertel's picture
Joined: 2007/04/14

I bought two T4A apps from the Google/Apple store:

  1. T4A Navigation App - an offline GPS/Navigator on your phone with the T4A maps and nice routing functionality (approx. R700), and
  2. T4A Guide - an offline map that shows you where you are and nearby places of interest.  Also about R700.

So, for R1500 I have a proper GPS on my phone (or you could say I have a GPS that includes a phone and camera and MP3 player).  It works without phone or internet connection (unlike Google Maps, Waze and other phone navigators).  And it is T4A.

The big plus is no matter where I go or what I am doing (for e.g. passenger in the car on a flower trip), I can pull out my phone and find a place to eat nearby, or the quickest way home, or a scenic drive from A to B.

Committee: Webmaster / Ride Captain

Joined: 2012/01/13

Hi Charles

While reading articles on the Wild Dogs forum, I understand that some phones don't do well on a bike using a GPS app that is resource intensive, on a warm day while charging.  Having said that I know that different chargers place different loads on the electrical system and as a consequence also generate different levels of heat on the phone.

Possibly a suggestion for other users, before going that route, rather test the phone with HERE (free) Maps on the bike?


fugitive's picture
Joined: 2014/10/28

Thanks Guys for your input. i was gong to go Charles route with the T4A mapping software for the mobile, but was also slightly concerned with the overheating issue on longer trips as per Davvid. Subsequently to my initial post, i made contact with Wessel (0836406693)from African stuff in George,  who has been dealing with GPS since 1999 and has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to this. He also buys  in older models and upgrades you to newer models.  He is supplying me a garmin Zumo 220 (2012) model, pre-loaded with maps, as well as 2016 T4A maps for R2500.  With this i am also getting the bike mount kit, and all cables and charges and he is throwing in a mapsource cd for me. I could not say no to this. Thanks for the responses and helping me make my decision.

Fugitive172 (Brian Leary)