Fixing broken bracket on Vario pannier

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Joined: 2013/08/15


In preparation for a trip I noticied that one of our BMW Vario panniers has a broken bracket. I think it could be fixed by bending a piece of metal to shape and screwing it on the pannier (above the bracket, using washers with rubber to keep the pannier waterproof). However, I don't have the tools to do so myself. Do you know someone who would be able to do this job?

Broken Vario pannier



Joined: 2013/08/15

Any ideas?


Charles Oertel's picture
Joined: 2007/04/14

Buy some of those metal multi-purpose fasteners from Builders/Mica (like corner pieces in different sizes with pre-drilled holes, and straight pieces with holes etc).  Bend it to shape in a vise, and rivet and glue (pratleys quickset) it into place.

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