First Person On Scene Training Wed 23 Aug- Donford Cape Town bookings closed

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Andyman's picture
Joined: 2007/06/22


                  BOOKINGS ARE CLOSED     


Date                   : Wednesday 23rd August 2017.

Venue               :  DONFORD MOTORRAD, Buitengracht, City

Time                  :  18H00 for 18H30 to 21H30

places                :  25 places

Convenor         :  ANDY CONNELL

 Cost                   :  R 150pp




Your payment secures your booking.

Payments made to the Club account

First National Bank

Branch  : Long Street, code 201709

Acc No: 50060098602

Reference : Name  & FPOS

FBOS- First Person on the scene of an Accident

We all know of someone close who has been involved in an accident.

We also know that if the scene had been managed better, the losses could have been less.

The BMWMCC is holding a workshop for all bike riders, car drivers and their family and friends.

Any one of us may be faced at any time with coming across an accident.

Whether while commuting or while driving in the rural areas.

You do not have to be a trained first responder to make a real and significant difference.

This workshop teaches you vital skills in controlling the scene and in ensuring no one gets hurt any further.

You can be major role player while waiting for the emergency services to arrive.


Come early to have some coffee and meet the team, register and get settled.

  A BMW Motor Cycle Club Cape numbered certificate is awarded for this training.




Nothing is more stressful than arriving at an accident scene and not knowing what to do, in which order, who to call, how to make that call count, what to say.......... all while a person or persons are lying injured..

This is not a first aid course!

This is a workshop on what not to do and what to do should you be at an accident scene.


This workshop will equip you with the knowledge and essential skills to enable you to function effectively on the scene and make a valuable contribution to the situation outcomes.

There is so much YOU can do to secure the scene,

secure the patients and NOT cause further injury while giving 'assistance' -  

even if you have no first respondent training.

Rendering First Aid is only a part to incident management. You have a very valuable role where seconds count.

With no first aid knowledge you can influence the patients outcome in a very definite, positive way by following simple steps and doing the first things right first time.

Turn your empathy and good intentions into positive incident managing action that will help both the patient and the qualified respondents far more than you will ever know.

You do have a lot to do and you will require teamwork on a scene.

Learn how to go from nuisance to asset in a few common sense approach steps.

Power point presentation - which you can save to your flash drive or smart phone/device.

Hand outs with some clear pointers and prompts to help you remember later.

Group limited to 25 people to retain the dynamic.

To book, follow this link  


This is not a first aid course!


Anyone can ride a bike fast....   But can you ride your bike real slow???

David ffoulkes's picture
Joined: 2015/02/19

Got to attend this one.

David ffoulkes

Committee: Vice Chairperson/ Clubs Africa/ Membership/ Ride Captain

Derek R. Keeling's picture
Joined: 2017/02/07

Hi Andy,


Looking forward to joining you for 1st on the scene of an accident on Wed eve. 


Derek Keeling

Andyman's picture
Joined: 2007/06/22

Thank you very much to the people that braved the cold wet Cape Town and attended this course.
Thanks for the questions and interest.

and a big thanks to Donford Mottorad for the venue and Tribe Coffee for the catering.


Anyone can ride a bike fast....   But can you ride your bike real slow???