First Fossil ride for the year THURSDAY 14/09/2017

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Jacques Botha R66's picture
Joined: 2012/10/02

I am planning a Fossil ride on Thursday 2017 09 14. This is a pensioners ride for all the golden oldies and anyone who can afford to take the weekday of from work or home to come on a short ride with a difference.

We will meet at the ENGEN outgoing on the N1 at 09:00. Make sure your tyres are pumped, tanks filled an ready to roll by 09:30. No coffee or breakies should be taken before we leave as the idea is that everyone must bring along his traditional padkos pakkie and we will stop at a nice place to eat our own padkos breakfast as we used to do many moons ago. Thus, pack in your own coffee flask, lekker samies, Dikkevrelletjies(frikkedelle)cooked worsies, cooked eggs ,chicken pieces and what ever you want to share with other fellow riders.

If you have a folding chair like Andy always have, bring along. A folding table will also be handy. 

After the breakfast and a good chat, we can decide on a nice route back home and stop for a cold one close to home.

This will not be an official club organized ride and will be for the responsibility of each individual person joining the event. Friends are welcome to join on their own makes as long as thy adhere to our principles.

I would like to see the responses to enable me to look for a suitable spot.

This ride wil be weather permitted


Charles Oertel's picture
Joined: 2007/04/14

Sounds lekker Jacques. Wish I could join you.

Committee: Webmaster / Ride Captain

Eric Pretorius's picture
Joined: 2012/04/11

Lekker idea Jacques however Accuweather is predicting rain this Thursday.  Will have to decide nearer the time.


Jacques Botha R66's picture
Joined: 2012/10/02

Hi Eric. The date is next Thursday 14/9/2017.

Jacques Botha R66's picture
Joined: 2012/10/02

Hi Eric. The date is next Thursday 14/9/2017.

Jacques Botha R66's picture
Joined: 2012/10/02



Eric Pretorius's picture
Joined: 2012/04/11

Thank you for the heads-up, weather/circumstance permitting I'll join you.


Joined: 2015/12/24

Count me in thanks

Jacques Botha R66's picture
Joined: 2012/10/02

Weather predictions still looks good for next Thursday.

This idea originated from a chat between Mike Henderson and I whilst having a cold one on our West Coast ride in March. Mike apparently regularly take out his Mrs. on a ride like this to save money on the garage pies and powdery slap chips at most of the fuel stations and I thought it was a nice idea. So Mike, hope you don't mind grabbing your idea. I think it is nice.

This won't be a long ride. Maybe just up Du Toitskloof from where we can discuss  the route coming home. Make sure you have your drivers licenses with you and your wheels are properly licensed. I went through 2 roadblocks today in the morning cycle of the day.I was so lucky to be granted pardon for not having my drivers license with me by a very friendly traffic official and got away with a stern warning. Thanks for saving me R500.00. And I can assure, no bribe involved. Just a friendly understanding reason, official. Yes, we still get them.

Please ride safe.


Joined: 2007/06/25

Hi Jacques, During the early years of this club this was a regular feature. Toast and filter coffee were the only pre made items we carted along. We left early morning, set up the camping gas, out with the frying pans, bacon + eggs,(You made sure they were well packed before you left home), It was always fun to see and hear the comments from the joggers as they went past.  

These rides were confined to the peninsula, arriving home by 09,30.

Jacques, All things being equal I'll be there.

Think before you ink.

Trust is the most valuable asset.

I have the rest of my life to get old.

Jacques Botha R66's picture
Joined: 2012/10/02

Hi Uncle Cheesy.

Will be nice to have you and ma there with us to share some Golden Oldies.

I made it a bit later to accommodate the Fossils who can afford to sleep a bit later.



Joined: 2015/12/24

Hi Jacques,

Looking forward to the ride on Thursday, I have two friends that would like to join us, is that OK. 

Jacques Botha R66's picture
Joined: 2012/10/02

Anyone welcome. Even the Vuka's or KTMS, HONDAS YAMMIES, KAWAS, SUZIES, HD's GOMOTOS ets and whatever. Just bring good lekker company and a Brekkie. We will be riding up Du Toitskloof to the top, have a brekkie and then discuss the way back.


Joined: 2011/01/27

Jacques, can I join you people getting there in the cage as my arm is still on the mend.

Not allowed on the bike yet.

Jacques Botha R66's picture
Joined: 2012/10/02

Always welcome John. Bring ma with.


Joined: 2016/01/19

i will be there Jaques.

Jacques Botha R66's picture
Joined: 2012/10/02

Hi All.

Thank you guys for riding with today. What a pleasure to have you riding with me. 

We had 8 bikes (riders) and a back up cage in the person of John GILLESPIE(a well seasoned back up rider/driver in the club) up to the top of Du Toitskloof where we stopped for a breakfast spread you cannot believe. From there we came home via Slanghoek, Tulbach and Ceres  and stopped close to home for a cold one and hot ones. Thanks for the Ulysses friends who came with. Unfortunately two other friends( Harley and Tenere) had to cancel at short notice but nevertheless thanks for considering coming with us. Would have been nice to have you there. We had nice weather all the way.

Special thanks to Mike who planted this seed with me to be able to arrange this Fossil ride.

Wishing everyone a Blessed weekend as we are all so BLESSED to be able to do what we love doing. Being a pensioner is really not too bad. Just getting bored sometimes not knowing what to do everyday but on the flip side, I sometimes wonder where I had the time to work.

God Bless.


Joined: 2016/01/19

Great ride Jaques.