Excellent Biokenticist at very special rates

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Craig Broadfoot's picture
Joined: 2014/07/17

Been in an accident and working to regain strength/mobility, a sportsperson wanting specific rehab from injury or even advanced training support?

i have found a young and excellent Biokenticist based in town. He cannot advertise, but I can tell you medical aid rates are over R250 for 30mins and he is running a promotion for half that, plus for 60 minutes, two (mostly one on one) sessions a week, so it's only R800.00 p/month.

i have been going for 8 weeks and am really happy with the progress (rehab for heel injury, shoulder op rehab and general strength/mobility training). In fact, I go three times a week and get more out of these sessions than going to my local gym.

he is fully qualified with honors in sport science AND Biokenticist, he is busy registering with medical board for medical aid claims etc as well as Discovery.

he also works with elderly, the young, and amputees, he can also work with you to strengthen muscles for balance (great for us riders!)


he has agreed to add 10 people at this special rate, for the rest of the year!

please send me a PM for all his detailsmif you are interested


Craig Broadfoot