(Cancelled) Donford Motorrad Stellenbosch : Breakfast Run : Sunday 24th May

4 replies [Last post]
Geoff Russell's picture
Joined: 2007/09/25

Join Donford Motorrad Stellenbosch for a Breakfast Run this coming Sunday.

Destination : Winterberg Mountain Inn outside Ceres

Meet : 0715 @ Donford in Stellenbosch for coffee and muffins

0800 : Quick chat about the ride then we depart

Please fill your tanks before arrival

Ride is weather dependent. If it rains we don't ride.



Committee: Ride Captain

Joined: 2007/06/25

Jaaa Geoff, that sounds like a good idea. If it rains I will remain in bed.Innocent

Think before you ink.

Trust is the most valuable asset.

I have the rest of my life to get old.

Alfs's picture
Joined: 2013/02/18

Hmmm, choices choices again... Ok I think I will do the Cape Town branch's run this time, its closer to home and gives me an extra 1/2 hr sleep Sunny Day mornin' Cool

tbk's picture
Joined: 2008/09/04

Hey Geoff,

Gerneral route that you will be following?

I am keen on taking the 90T out but not if you are going through Bainskloof again.



Geoff Russell's picture
Joined: 2007/09/25

This ride has been cancelled.

Committee: Ride Captain